@R4gn4r0k said:
@jg4xchamp said:
Among other things, sure.
Tell me, I'm interested to know your thoughts.
It's has one too many similarities to Overwatch (for the record I think Overwatch is a damn good game), yes LB is a different game, and a good game mind you, but the general mass audience isn't going to be juggling too many mp games. If they are already invested in Overwatch, alternative Overwatch isn't going to swing em. Think about how many games aped Halo n CoD, how many of them were actually able to be successful? Not many if any, because if I'm already playing Halo, why would I want diet Halo?
It's aesthetically busy. Like technically it's fine, it runs great, it plays great, but every thing is over done a bit visually, the personality of the game is borderline cringe. And gameplay doesn't sell unfortunately as much as "the experience" or whatever the ****, Overwatch is pleasant. Blizzard's art team knows their shit, Lawbreakers art team comes off more over designed. Lot of needless angles, lot of harsh character designs.
Mechanically it demands more of its players. Cliffy B to his credit said he wasn't making game with too many training wheels for the player, and unlike Overwatch it doesn't simplify the shooting with large ass hit boxes. You gotta actually aim, lead shots on projectiles like the arena shooter days, and play at a much faster clip while you're at it while working for your kills. The wraiths for instance fly around the map like its nothing. And that type of speedy shooter hasn't been successful in awhile. Reflex Arena and Toxikk never found a niche. Unreal Tournament 4 n the new Quake are doing okay, but For Honor has a more active community than those 2 do. And Unreal n Quake are legendary PC franchises.
It got completely gaped by the monster known as PUBG.
It's a busy ass market. Being distinct is far more important. We already have Siege, Overwatch, PUBG, CSGO, Battlefield that have active communities on PC as far as shooters are concerned. I'm probably missing something else, but how much room left is there for a more niche mp community? And on that front being distinct is important, so when people perceive you as diet Overwatch...the rest takes care of itself. Destiny 2 is around the corner that will have a large audience on PC probably, if Warfare n Borderlands are any indication.
Otherwise the game had plenty of betas, and it never turned me off as I would argue it's a good game (as the only mother fucker with taste), but other people didn't. So lack of interest in Overwatch's formula s well is a factor.
To me if you fix the marketing of Lawbreakers, maybe, it would have done a bit better, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm not completely sold that's the only reason the game tanked. Plenty of mp games come out n don't do well, just like plenty of single player games have come out n don't do well. It's a shame since the game is 29.99, has mechanical depth, and plays nicely while offering free updates like maps n stuff n constant patches, and type of game can't find an audience, but, that's the nature of gaming right now. With so many games out, it's hard to break out.
Throw in a year like 2017 as far as how many good, well received games came out this year, and it's like....well, it wasn't like people were lacking options.
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