lol no the reason wiiu is selling slow is games and just maybe the price,Â
-think about it , if people buy nintendos console for nintendo games  (wii didnt change nintendos games all that much now did it )  the big games like zelda mariokart super mario (3d title)  pimin 3   ,  and the wwhd remake alongside xenoblade 2   and mh ultimate  ultimate havent came yet plus theres nfs mw ultimate spiderman aleins colonial marines  , re revelations hd ,  these games will help wiiu out ,Â
right now theres only 3 retail nintendo made games -not counting ones like ng 3  and zombi u  which are third party one of which nintendo licensed, Â
the rest of the games are ports  ,  and the price probably is not warranting the admission , im sure when the bg hits come , more sales will come in the wiiu is still gonna succeed in profitability  with 1 game sold , so its not all bad if they dont pull wii numbers the difference with ps3 was it was bleeding money,  Â
which made sony look bad to the public ,Â
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