"Xbox One is the biggest beneficiary; it effectively gives every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one."
Wow he couldn't be more incorrect. GPUs that are running at 100% are running at 100%, you can't make something twice as fast just because you're feeding instructions to it quicker. The GPU's clock speed does not increase and it doesn't expand its hardware pipeline to allow more data. All this is doing is increasing the efficiency and working to removing a CPU bottleneck that DX9 and DX11 have on PCs.
I'm sorry, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. The sentence that follows that absolutely ridiculous statement also shows he knows nothing of hardware.
"As a result, that GPU will be getting pushed twice as hard as it previously was which means more heat on cards that might have only barely been cool enough when they were only being commanded by a single CPU core."
This is so wrong it hurts my brains. You cannot push a GPU beyond 100%. A second CPU core helping dictate the GPU is only going to remove the bottleneck of the CPU from slowing the GPU down, not making it more powerful. You can't just have the GPU working harder just because a second CPU is sending instructions to it. It's just going to be working a bit more efficently and staying near 100% more often as it won't have to wait for the CPU. This is also not a huge issue on the game consoles.
Consoles don't bottleneck their GPUs, that's only an issue we see on the PC with software APIs such as DirectX. On the game consoles this is almost completely non existent because the API allows direct hardware access instead of having to be interpreted on a CPU level first. On the PC DirectX works as a "one-size-fits-all" approach that allows developers to build games without having to optimize for each set of CPU/GPU/RAM/Motherboard pairings. This is not the case on the consoles. With a console when you need hardware access, you get it. It's far more efficient.
His whole thing with "twice as much heat" is completely incorrect. The GPU is not overclocking itself or running more data than it could before. It remains unchanged. You can't go faster than it was designed. The clock speed and cooling system are all based around 100% operation and games frequently run at 100% GPU now. Just because your GPU is running at 100% doesn't mean your shaders and algorithms are as efficient as they could be, but you're still running at 100% of the potential power of the GPU.
In short, this guy is an idiot who knows nothing about hardware. I won't even go into how many other things are wrong with what he's posted.
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