Couple of reviews from Steam.
"Game is so boring. Same missions, same enemy models, your main target its farming equipment in pvp zone, forget about storyline. Thank you Ubi for one more piece of s***."
"Ubisoft has a brilliant scheme in which you wait in line of players for two hours so you can't refund the game."
">Ubisoft services are not avaiable at this time. Try again later or go offline>Go online to activate this game. Genius"
"Another corporate grab at mmo/fps/cross-platform gaming. Super dissapointment. I can not, in good faith, reccomend this to any gamer expecting anything impressive. This game is sub-par.... When I say that, I mean that it should be a free to play with a few DLC skins tossed in to the mix. Game is insanely dissapointing. I don't toss my $60 purchase around lightly. Request your refund from steam while you still can."
"Bullshot advertising, terrible character customization, uplay, grindy, bullet sponge enemies even though advertising would have you believe otherwise, uplay, game servers down day one, incredibly poor play testing (most people can't even get out of the prologue currently), always online, uplay, no player trading, can't decide what genre it wants to be, heavy penalties for engaging in PvP for very limited reward. Did I mention uplay?Bravo Ubisoft, bravo. Another fine piece of trash for your garbage heap of a gaming library. I feel stupid for even thinking this one might be different."
"Amazing first few hours, suddenly content slows down and you see the same ♥♥♥♥ over and over and over. Same boring missions, same boring AI clones and dialogue, constant farming for loot...60 USD, lol." <-----------does that reminds you of any game!? Its literally exactly what i've been saying since the closed beta... I can't believe people are denying the negative points of this game. You simply can't.
No, this game is not "good" like some people say.
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