I hear a lot about this dlc that should've been on the disc, and that's not really a valid complaint, even in the case of DLC that is available the first week. The reasoning seems to be that since it was already done before the game went on sale, it should've been part of the game. See it's not like they make all the content, then the day before the games release they make all the discs up and leave some content off just to make money.
What really happens is the development team makes the game, tests it, finalizes it and then the manufacturing and distribution side of things takes over. They start putting the game on disc, making the packaging, and getting the game ready for retail. If they anticipate high sales, they need to build up a substantial stock. Meanwhile, the development team are done. They're sitting around. Some of them may already have moved on to other projects, some may not have an immediate game to move on to. So they start making up extra content. They may make up some simple reskins or maps or something and have it done before the game hits the shelves, but it's not like they can stop the production and get that added to all the discs that are already packed and shipped, and if they did, it would just mean delays.
They may be able to come up with endless ways to add to a game, but at some point they have to cut it off and say ok, this is the retail game, anything we work on after this will go to DLC. In the past, when they reached that cut-off point, that was it. Any further ideas had to just be scrapped, or saved for a sequel, because there wasn't any way to distribute add-on content (for consoles), and even if they could distribute it, there was no way to add it to the game's disc or cart. They advent of online services and stores, and the standardization of HDD on consoles means that now, they can easily distribute add-on content, and the game can be patched via game data on the HDD, so just because the game is shipped doesn't mean they can't still add more to it. Either you want it, and you buy it, or you don't want it, and you don't have to buy it. If you want to say a particular DLC is a rip-off because a map pack should be $5 and not $15, fine, but saying it's a rip off because it should've been on the disc is faulty logic.
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