So now that Q1 2007 is behind us, I'm haven't been doing too much posting. I spent all my time playin' some games, like God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Crackdown, Lost Planet, Super Paper Mario, Sonic and the Secret Rings, heck even Drake of the 99 Dragons. See, there's lots of love for all three from me. I like Xbox and the 360, I'm not a huge FPS guy and I hate Halo, but Kameo and Oblivion are nice games to play on the weekend. I'm getting into some of the first-party Sony stuff I missed out on which I'm finding out is really good. Plus I like music games like Amplitude and Guitar Hero, and Sony have traditionally been the place to get that stuff. Man, I'd even buy a PS3 if I could get the cheaper model, which I can't. But I'm not a manticore, very few people are. I like Nintendo, to me they can do no wrong (with the exception of Reggie) in the video game world. Sony's reputation for making shoddy hardware (I had to replace several PSones and 2s), and the fact that all multiplat games have usually been the worst on Playstation whatever, coupled with the arrogance of guys like Jack Tretton have caused me to criticize them severely.
But anyway, let's cut to the chase. I pop back in to System Wars from time to time and find a freakin' lot of threads that go like this "I'm a cow/lemming and I used to hate the PS3/360, but now I don't. I see that Sony/Microsoft has built a good machine and we need to stop bashing each other. What we really need to bash is the Wii." This opening statement is usually followed by some rant or other about the Wii's graphics or physics, or lack of DVD playback (which to me is especially pointless). The post will usually be closed out with some comment likening Wii owners to homosexuals or the Wii remote to a phalus or magical fairy wand, which is getting rather tiresome at this point.
My question is, why do you need to bash the Wii more than the 360 or PS3? It's a budget system, it's got some good games, a neat controller, some interesting little extra features with the always-on functionality, and it's going to eke past what was possible last gen hardware-wise. I mean Wi-fi alone costs you a c-note on the 360, and it's part of the reason the PS3 costs so much. So it's not like the Wii is overpriced. So why all the hate? Is it because the Wii is selling so well? So what if it is? Does that mean all those huge, epic, high-budget games are going to start appearing on the Wii as opposed to your system? No, that's not what the Wii is about. If the system is such a joke, why waste your time bashing it so fervently? I know this is System Wars, but I have seen some threads with rational, civil, cordial discussion of ideas from people with differences of opinion so I know it's possible in here. It doesn't always have to fanboy rants with no fact or logic to them whatsoever. I dunno', this whole "Let's come together against the Wii" thing just seems a little ridiculous. They're just video game systems guys.
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