@jg4xchamp said:
@charizard1605 said:
@jg4xchamp said:
Great now remind me how strong those 7 games stack up against PC.
We're not comparing it to PC. We're comparing it to other consoles. We never compare to PC- PC wins every year, every single time, that's a given, that's uncontested, it's never brought in by anyone when someone says '2013 was the year of the PS3' or '2007 was the year of the 360' so why bring it up now when someone is saying 2014 was the year of the Wii U?
Fine, then I'm still arguing the PS4 and X1, sure they didn't get Bayonetta 2 (excellent) and shovel knight (quite good). But they also got Wolfenstein, Alien Isolation, The Evil Within, Shadow of MOrdor, Dragon Age Inquisition, Valiant Hearts, Far Cry 4, Super Time Force, or things like Forza, Sunset, Titanfall or Guilty Gear and Velocity for PS4 to go up against...oh a whopping 7 games.
And that's without bringing shitty MC into this, where I'd have to mention games I think are doo-doo: Watchdogs-Destiny-Strider-Child of Light-Infamous
The system had a good year in terms of exclusives, lots of quality stuff, but bragging rights? the system still misses out on so many games.
It does miss out on a lot of games, but that's exactly the point, in spite of missing out on shit, it somehow managed to have a better showing as far as games go than the other two systems. I had this discussion with Legato yesterday, I would rather take one Mario Kart 8 or Tropical Freeze over a Destiny, Unity, and Watch Dogs. The other systems had quantity. Wii U definitely lacked that, but it made up for it with exceptional quality. Everything else, we are arguing opinions, if you would rather take Wolfenstein over Mario Kart 8 or Far Cry 4 over Super Smash Bros. (and this didn't bring in Shovel Knight, Bayonetta 2, or Tropical Freeze), then that's your call entirely of course, but the 'big' flagship games on Wii U were far and away better than similar games on the other consoles, and dollar for dollar I would pick the Wii U this year any day. I would know. I did pick it.
Do I expect this to continue forever, **** no. The PS4 will win 2015, I said that in like the first post I made in this topic, but that's not what we are discussing, we are discussing if the Wii U gets this year, and I think it does. You are free to disagree, but your argument for doing that is using sheer numbers, except in this case, it's sheer numbers than range from overwhelming mediocrity to good but nothing special.
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