As an (employee) I know that the $5 doesn't catch most people, although some fall for the trap if its in brilliant condition. What we say is that you get a 7 day warranty, so I suggest the used copy when the game is junk and the used copy is in great condition.
Playing used games doesn't bother me, especially if you own a PSP or a PS3....the Blu Ray coating protects the disc from wear and tear, and the UMD case does the same thing. The only icky feeling I get is an ethical one.
The markup on used games is absolutely insane. It ranges from 200% of the original price to over 400%. Everything item sold after we buy it in as used, after calculating the difference between buying the trade-ins and selling the used games is 100% profit. We don't share a dime with the publisher, the manufacturer, or the developer. Coincidentally, you, the purchaser, don't save a dime. (The employees don't exactly get a cut, we work for minimum wage)
So, yes. Gamestop is the devil and you should not shop there.
The ONLY good thing about the used games market is that it allows for circulation of titles that are no longer being manufactured, which is of course a HUGE plus.
While I agree with most of what you are saying, I know music companies have tried in the past to crack down on stores that sell used tapes/cds claiming it hurt them. I'm not sure I buy it with music or games. Sure, I think the people stupid enough to pay the $5 off used price, are potentially hurting the companies because they clearly want the game enough to pay such a ridiculous price for a used game. But you said yourself, there aren't too many of these people.
I think most used games sales are when the game is noticeably cheaper, older, or on clearance. And unless companies can prove that people would pay full price for the game if it wasn't available used, then they can't really claim they are being hurt. I'll admit to downloading a JT track or two...but if the only option was buying the cd, there is no way I would do it. So I don't see how I'm hurting the company by downloading a track. Eithey way, they won't get my money so there is no benefit to them.
I look at used game sales that way also. I've bought a few games used because I needed something to play and nothing really interested me. So why not pick up a couple cheap used games that will kill some time and then I'll probably never look at again when something I want comes out. If my only option was new or nothing...then on those days I would just leave and buy a movie, or some lunch or something.
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