And I don't mean the whole "GTA is making people violent" cowcrap. Rather, I think gamers are starting to embrace values that are not, at core, of much value to begin with.
Think for a moment: when you think of "awesome" moments in gaming, what do you think of? A long time ago, such was things like shooting down a Mecha Adolf Hitler or jumping around like a hyper ape shooting absolutely everything in Contra or ripping out someone's spine in Mortal Kombat. Nowadays, that might be something like pulling off someones head in God of War or running down old ladies in Saints Row. It seems every other game that's labeled "hardcore" has you shooting terrorists or Nazis or zombies or zombie babies (Dantes Inferno). But hows this for a question: taken out of context, how is this desirable?
Simply put, our hobby has changed from one taking a defiant stance against an alarmist society that blows whistles at the slightest shade of red to one that delights in things that are depraved and stupid. Much of gaming doesn't even bother trying to think anymore: even one-sided and stereotyping games like Call of Duty 4 are praised for excellent storytelling and showered with accolades, while games that don't even try are practically the norm. Can you remember any games recently that tried to show a conflict from your enemies part of view? Far too often we might be told to kill a bunch of people in a game for no more reason than because they were different from us: just look at everyone's favorites, Killzone 2 and Gears of War. The retro movement has more and more games intentionally removing all complex thought from gameplay. Meanwhile, games that try to break the norm and portray life in a less than ideal way, like GTA4 and Six Days in Fallujah are criticized for being too "realistic" and not enough "fun".
Is this really what we want our games to be like? For our games to fall into the Hollywood rut that has been churning out generic summer blockbusters for years? For a bunch of self-proclaimed nerds to rise and cheer when some guys tears apart someone's stomach and rips out his intestines? To try to get your mother to understand the brilliance of a game where you can kill an entire family with no consequences? I don't know about you, but I think today's games have become something I want no part with at all.
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