I didn't finish...
1. Mass Effect ---> Got close to the end, then quit out of boredom. Got sick to death of the framerate dips, the "I lost shields" comment in battle over and over (yes...I'm well aware that if I planned my fighting strategies better, I wouldn't have to hear that line). But, I just didn't care enough to finish it...even with a compelling storyline.
2. FEAR on Xbox 360 ---> Never played it on PC. Wow...this game seems highly overrated. It just seemed like a generic shooter with cheesy horror elements thrown in. Why did hermits consider this game so original back when it 1st released to PCs?
3. Phantom Dust ---> Fun for awhile. Lost interest.
4. Tales of Symphonia ---> Got pretty far, then got bored.
5. Devil May Cry 4 ---> 1st DMC game I've played. Wow...just wow...what do cows see in this series exactly? Yeah...I haven't played DMC1, 2, 3. Are they vastly different than DMC4? I sure hope so, because DMC4 was terrible imo. Bad camera, cheesy dialog, annoying and arrogant character (Nero), horrid music every single time enemies are in an area, lame puzzles, silly taunts.
There are many other games I didn't finish. I've finish a lot though. It seems like the games I finish I have to REALLY, REALLY like a lot. Otherwise, I just lose interest.
Anyone else lose interest in games before finishing them?
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