I have none. I have a feeling theyll just reuse the same engine and mechanics along with making the graphics more pretty. Give it the ol Madden one-two punch.
I have hope. I thought Watch Dogs 1 had quite strong mechanics, just need a better story and more creative mission design.
First one was hyped and looked incredible on the "PS4" and "PC"
the downgrade was real though, it looked like ass on my PS4
First one was hyped and looked incredible on the "PS4" and "PC"
the downgrade was real though, it looked like ass on my PS4
Maybe you need to send yours in? I'm pretty sure it should look the same on all PS4's. Strange...
First one was hyped and looked incredible on the "PS4" and "PC"
the downgrade was real though, it looked like ass on my PS4
Maybe you need to send yours in? I'm pretty sure it should look the same on all PS4's. Strange...
it looked like ass on all of them, do you not remember the downgrade?
dat butthurt jab doe
The first one was really boring so I'm not going to bother with the second no matter how much they improve it.
Even though I actually enjoyed the first one, I just can't get excited about 2... I'll play it eventually, but I have other things I want to play this year before this.
To me personally, I really had fun playing Watch Dogs on PS4 when I pick it up at launch and it the gameplay was enjoyable for the hacking but the main character Aiden was dull, makes too many mistakes, and the whole losing his cousin was poorly done and that should have been Aiden's daughter from the start maybe then, I can feel sorry for the poor fool.
Now then, Watch Dogs 2, I like what I seen but sure, the first game was fun and cool, can't say I'll buy it at launch, but I'm interested seeing where Watch Dogs 2 heading since this new one isn't taking place after the events in the first Watch Dogs. I'll go with an yes, I think Ubisoft learn what needs to make this new Watch Dog game great as the first one.
(And don't even ask me about the downgraded BS, that shit is done and gone)
No. Looks absolutely terrible. like worst game i have seen on E3.
I rather have Mafia 3 even if its not looks like Mafia at all.
I got Watch Dogs for free, and it wasn't bad for a free game. However, I would have felt ripped off if I had paid more than 30 dollars for it.
Not really hyped for the new one at all.
Even if it's good people will say it's shit.
An unfortunate truth. If only gamers could be more open minded.
One day perhaps.
On one hand it says Ubisoft right on the box, on the other hand it still says Ubisoft right on the box. So no, I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea of an open world ubisoft game these days. By the time I try it, it'll either be via gamefly or on a big ass sale. Watchdogs was so fucking boring.
Maybe if it was Michel Ancel's team, since the Rayman games are rad. I feel like he'd be able to make a fun game out of the Ubisoft open world game, but nah. Ubisoft Montreal's formula needs major shifts, which is something they didn't show.
@FLOPPAGE_50: By the time it released, even the graphics featured in the original E3 demo were outdated.
Historically, follow-ups to new IP have been far and away superior to the original title (I'm talking only the first sequels, here, i.e. Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 1, Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, etc.... Not the 11th sequel in 10 years).
To entertain me? Nope. I didn't care for the first and don't care about changes they have made to the second. I was bored shitless with the first one. No interest in this game.
I'll say this for Watchdogs 2... even Ubisoft couldn't possibly make it more boring than Watchdogs 1. Horrible, soul-destroyingly boring game with terrible graphics.
zero faith, as I barely played the first game and its been part of my backlog for a while. its simple, for this genre GTA is the undisputed king. I ddnt have time to spend on anything inferior.
i found watchdogs to be absolutely terrible. Like so bad, it should be considered punishment. I dunno why ubisoft thinks these stupid hacking lore type retarded games is fun. Its not even a fun type of hacking as well. Its literally a ridiculous excuse for what should be called telekinesis ... Like since when do random cranes are open for hacking or cars driving themselves out of the blue with the push of a button. Its a lazy clique game
Hell no.
Ubisoft said Watchdogs 1 was going to be bigger than GTA 5. I ain't gonna believe them just yet.
yes, they're putting Assassin's Creed aside to work on it
plus, much of the shortcomings of Watch Dogs probably comes from unfamiliarity with XB1/PS4 hardware, not so much an issue now, but they developed much of the game assets with the first game and that's a great deal of the development work, now more effort can go into actually constructing a game's design, story, missions, writing, etc
not to have too much faith in it, but I've more faith now than I had in the original game, the trailers for it too look like it has potential
I'm still not 100% sure , when I saw AC black flag's trailer I found it dull but it turned out really well ,so for what it's worth I hope they can come up with a better plot for this sequel
I have hope. I thought Watch Dogs 1 had quite strong mechanics, just need a better story and more creative mission design.
Agreed. Loved the game. It was not perfect, but still a lot of fun. I came in with absolutely no expectations. I was pleasantly surprised.
Didn't buy the first one so I have no intention of buying the sequel. I'm more interested in a new Splinter Cell game similar to the the old games especially Chaos Theory which is by far the best. Also a new Prince of Persia game would be nice.
I'm playing the first game now as I wanted to wait till I had a PS4 to experience this game. And now that I got other priority games to play out of the way (MGSV & Bloodborne). I got a sealed copy for $12 bucks with shipping on ebay.
While there was apparently a downgrade of graphics per se. The game looks great on the PS4, and its also a 2014 game. Aiden isn't really that great of a character and Ubisoft is addressing that by giving another protagonist. There's also some other annoying things like the slow running mechanic and inability to shoot while driving, while enemies on the other hand can shoot in cars with the right angle. Both of which can easily be fixed in a sequel. Driving mechanics can also use some tweaks, but its not bad. WD2 may not be something I'll get around release, but I can say the same for almost every other current gen game. As I haven't spent more than $40 dollars on a current gen game. And I generally spend a lot less than that on individual games. With the majority of games I buy being under 20 bucks.
From the impressions I have read it seems they have addressed many of the common complaint s about the first game. Driving, shooting, mission structure (such as forcing the use of guns) have all been refined. Also the world itself has been made to be more immersive with more interesting NPCs and little touches like ambient street noise and such.
Its no guarantee that it will turn out to be a better game but I'm really encouraged by what I've seen\read. The story sounds ridiculous from the few mission walkthroughs I've seen but that's par for the course with Ubi.
I have hope. I thought Watch Dogs 1 had quite strong mechanics, just need a better story and more creative mission design.
I thought the first one was pretty decent -- didn't care too much for the main character, but he was serviceable. Looking to see how the integrate some variety.
Agree with those saying WD1 was pretty decent from a gameplay pov. Compare to GTA and WD has more options (like a fully functional stealth system and city interactivity). I'm looking forward to the gameplay. And I think the colorful style looks pretty fun. Some say they are trying too hard with the hacker-culture stuff, but I prefer that to container-dwelling Pearce.
That said I'm more interested in the setting of Mafia 3, but I don't think that game will have as good gameplay.
Hopefully the online mode won't ironically suffer because of hackers, and if so, it would be addressed by Ubisoft.
Right now all except one player (who I killed in seconds) that has attempted to hack my game session, has been invisible. My last session, I started shooting up and throwing grenades to clear the area of civilians. Even after that episode, and a completely empty scan circle void of people. The guy completes his hack and pops up on screen. So I've just decided to quit the game completely whenever someone tries to hack my game. As I'm not going to be giving additional points up, and waste my time with cheaters. And its not like quitting affects my game stats anyways.
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