I can tell from what little they've shown that they completely changed her character in an attempt to make it more dramatic, more cinematic. There won't be the sarcastic snark of the last time, or the kick ass outfit. You'll get jeans, a leather jacket, and a completely different, more serious attitude. So it's going to be just another modern game, only this one will try to capitalize on nostalgia by scavenging an old IP.
It's going to simply be another Tomb Raider reboot but this one with Joanna Dark. Made by the same people who rebooted that series and ruined Lara Croft's character. Furthermore, whenever I search for anything related to the real game I'm going to have to deal with page after page of worthless search results because they decided on a reboot rather than a sequel, which in itself is basically an erasing of the original story from any and all kind of lore or back story.
So yeah, **** this new one, I won't be buying it, I won't be playing it. Will it fail? Nah, there's enough morons out there who will throw money at anything, and encourage more garbage like it to be made.
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