Poll Do you prefer building your own PC or buying pre-built PCs? (62 votes)
If you were to buy a PC, would you prefer building it yourself or go with a pre-built branded PC from Alienware or other manufacturers? In the past, I used to always prefer building my own due to the large price difference (custom built is cheaper). However, over time the price difference is slightly getting narrower due to Pre-built manufacturers getting more competitive, and the cost advantages of buying CPUs in bulk etc.
Another advantage of pre-built PCs is having centralised warranty; if any part of your PC breaks down, you call Alienware tech support to get it fixed. With a custom built PC, if any part of your PC breaks down, it can be a bit tricky when it comes to deciding who to call, because each individual component inside your PC has its very own warranty support and they are supported by different companies.
For me personally, I used to prefer custom-built PCs, but nowadays I am cool with pre-built (as long as the price difference is not too big). How about you?
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