I enjoy QUALITY on a handheld. The term "console quality" means nothing because there's no set amount of quality a console brings, and they're certainly not guaranteed to bring more than a handheld.
I know what you mean though, but it should be better phrased. Something more along the lines of "console experience" would be appropriate.
And no, I do not enjoy having the console experience on my handheld. It's the same for consoles; I do not like when they try to replicate my PC experience.
There are strengths to the platforms. They may not be well-defined, but you know it when you see them. Some games just feel better, play better, and offer a more rewarding experience on different platforms.
When I buy a handheld it's to play the games I find work well on handhelds. Puzzle games, simple RPGs, adventure games, and some of the less action-packed multiplayer games they offer.
I do not buy them to play what is otherwise on a console. Games that benefit from a big screen due to their more cinematic approach to game design. Again something that can't quite be defined, but you know it when you see it. You just can't say you get the same feeling of epicness out of God of War on the PSP as you do on the PS3, or any similar style of game.
Some games do overlap, however. Kart racers, platformers, and a few other genres seem to be pretty grand on any platform, but there are just some that are truly better suited to certain platforms over others from my experience.
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