Max Payne (PC) at my cuz's Home Year 2002 :P
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Super Mario Bros on NES. I walked into my much older cousins room on Christmas and it was set up playing, I was mesmerized, it's what got me into video games.
Microsoft Entertainment Pack? on windows 95 or 98 Jewel Chase was a lot of fun. other early games would had been Rollercoaster Tycoon, Sim City 3000, Spyro trilogy on ps1, and a few things on n64 pokemon Stadium, Star Wars Pod Racers, star wars rogue squadron etc
I basically skipped the ps2/xbox/gamecube besides MechAssault and Crimson Skies on the xbox. I got back into games the ps3 in 2010? I bought a ton of ps2 remasters lol. and in 2015 i switched over to pc as my primary system did get a ps4 for bloodborne.
I did have a gameboy advance for pokemon gold/crystal.
That's my gaming history.
It was a text adventure on an old BBC Micro. I don't remember which but I do remember playing The Hobbit on the same system around that time. Even then I was imagining the possibilities and I still am today.
I can't remember with 100% certainty, but I think that it was probably either Super Mario Bros. 3 or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game around 1990.
No, not really. It could be Duck Hunt, it could be Mario Bros, it could be an arcade game, it could be one of those ghetto handheld thingies they had back in the day that would have one game on it, with this bum ass like stick figure graphics. I remember having a power rangers one.
First game I properly owned was Donkey Kong Country with my snes.
I've been playing games since I was very little since I had older brothers, and so we had consoles in the house since I was born. So I don't remember which game exactly, but games on the NES like Excitebike, Super Mario Bros., Gun.Smoke (and just generally games of that era) are some of the earlier games I remember playing.
I too remember Pong at a friend's house. I also remember thinking it sucked and went back to playing outside.
Besides Pong the first 'real' games where probably something on intellivision or Odyssey2 in the late 70s. Played a lot of those text based games like Zork too on early home computers.
Gaming was different back then I was a teen in the 80s when arcades were king. Even with home consoles and computers people still went to the arcades prior to the Genesis era. You know actually going outside and talking to other people at the arcade or skate rink. Feel sorry for you youngsters you missed it.
It has been more than thirty years that I really could not remember the first game I played, but I know it was in 1982.
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