My most anticipated game on the PS3 is Heavenly Sword, but after finding this out, I am a little cautious.
Ninja Theory was previously Just Add Monsters who developed Kung Fu Chaos.
Ninja Theory Ltd, was formed in Cambridge England, in November of 2004, by Nina Kristensen (Chief Development Ninja), Mike Ball (Chief Technology Ninja), Tameem Antoniades (Chief Design Ninja) and Non-Executive Ninja, Jez San OBE. Ninja Theory was formerly known as Just Add Monsters Ltd and is the team behind Kung Fu Chaos, a game published in 2003 by Microsoft Games Studios exclusively for the Xbox and released on time, on budget and to critical acclaim in 2003.
Ninja Theory believes that the next-generation of games consoles offer an opportunity to elevate the games experience into one that can rival film and literature and was one of the first development studios to commit exclusively to next-generation consoles. And, no, we don’t care if you think we’re a bunch of pretentious gits for saying that!
If you’re wondering why we are called “Ninja Theory”, it’s because we wanted a name with “Ninja” in it and that’s the best we could come up with!
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