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Sony had its year with the ps2 (greatest system ever) and Nintendo recently dominated with wii and ds expanding the gaming industry by a large margin. Do you think next gen is Microsoft's time to shine? If no, how could they earn your purchase? Right now Microsoft is not good in my opinion with their ip's dwindling and online service full of ads yet still making us pay. But usually the company I'm least looking forward to makes an outstanding comeback for example after the ps2 era I was excited for ps3 and didn't really care about what Nintendo was doing after the cube. But they changed that with the wii.Ghost120x
Microsoft sold more units than Sony the last few months that I checked, so I don't think they are doing bad. I don't think they will lead in the next race, mainly because Nintendo will have at least a year lead on them, assuming the rumors for next gen release are correct. I think Microsoft will prevent Sony from having a lead like they did with the PS2.
With the Kinect focus its possible, but if the Wii U is cheap then I can see that leading for next gen. Heck for all we know Sony has some ace in the hole that will bring about another PS2 era.
Really, I couldn't say.
They've only been doing this for two gens now so it's not a surprise they haven't gotten their time in the spotlight.
Personally I think the Wii-U is gonna be the leader next gen.
the m$ is in the lead.
best online service.
better multi-plats.
best controller.
360 game library arguably makes all other platforms offerings irrelevent to the average gamer.
[QUOTE="Ghost120x"]Sony had its year with the ps2 (greatest system ever) and Nintendo recently dominated with wii and ds expanding the gaming industry by a large margin. Do you think next gen is Microsoft's time to shine? If no, how could they earn your purchase? Right now Microsoft is not good in my opinion with their ip's dwindling and online service full of ads yet still making us pay. But usually the company I'm least looking forward to makes an outstanding comeback for example after the ps2 era I was excited for ps3 and didn't really care about what Nintendo was doing after the cube. But they changed that with the wii.wyan_
Microsoft sold more units than Sony the last few months that I checked, so I don't think they are doing bad. I don't think they will lead in the next race, mainly because Nintendo will have at least a year lead on them, assuming the rumors for next gen release are correct. I think Microsoft will prevent Sony from having a lead like they did with the PS2.
Then MS should lead this gen as it had more than a year lead over wii/ps3
Microsoft IS leading console wars if you're only counting Playstation and Xbox.
Indeed, Wii hardly counts for gaming and next gen games, only for casuals and casuals dont care for gaming
Microsoft IS leading console wars if you're only counting Playstation and Xbox.
Indeed, Wii hardly counts for gaming and next gen games, only for casuals and casuals dont care for gaming
Reads forum title. Scrolls down to find loosingENDS post, it shouldn't be that far. Reads it, agrees with it. Universe implodes.
Microsoft IS leading console wars if you're only counting Playstation and Xbox.
Indeed, Wii hardly counts for gaming and next gen games, only for casuals and casuals dont care for gaming
So you don't care for gaming since the only thing you do is hype all those casual kinect games.[QUOTE="tjricardo089"]
Microsoft IS leading console wars if you're only counting Playstation and Xbox.
Indeed, Wii hardly counts for gaming and next gen games, only for casuals and casuals dont care for gaming
You're an idiot, but I'm just stating the obvious.
[QUOTE="tjricardo089"]Why do people dis the wii? It's new gen just like Xbox and ps3. Sure the wii didn't bring high end visuals but it did bring a new way to game with motion. a terrible way to game. id play the wii a lot more if i didnt have to use those dumb motion controlsMicrosoft IS leading console wars if you're only counting Playstation and Xbox.
It's possible, the fact that they are focusing on Kinect and will probably continue to do so next gen means they will attract that kind of market (I hate the term "casual" gamer). I think they will continue to do well next gen, just like everyone else.
The trick however is going to be power, the PS4 will probably launch last and that means it will get more time being developed and thus the most powerful, and the Wii U is supposedly going to be more powerful than current gen consoles, so let's hope MS doesn't try to jump the gun and release a system that isn't very powerful.
But I'm not going to buy the next Xbox at launch, only an idiot would do that considering the RROD fiasco. But I'm not too interested in next gen anyway, I'm more focused on great games that are comin gout this gen like The Last of Us and Mass Effect 3 ect...
I feel bad for 360 only owners though, they will have no choice but to buy the next Xbox as MS doesn't support their system once the new console is released.
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