I know it sounds crazy for a multiplat game to have better graphics on consoles, but for Sims 3, I think this might be the case. Remember, the Sims 3 is targeted towards casual gamers who have little knowledge of computer hardware and try to install Sims 3 on their five-year old laptops. They have no idea whats the difference between a "Geforce" and a "Radeon", they just want to play the Sims on the same crappy laptop they send emails with. This would explain why the Sims 3 has graphics similar to a PC game from 2003.
Now for the HD consoles (PS3 + 360), EA doesn't have to worry about optomising the Sims 3 for crappy laptops. Instead, they have the Cell + RSX for PS3, and Xenos + 3.2ghz tri-core CPU for Xbox 360. This is far superior than the average Sims 3 fan has, so I guess Sims 3 will have better graphics on consoles. Can't wait for screenshot comparisons of Sims 3 for consoles vs PCs :P
Your thoughts?
The console version wont look better simply for th fact tha the PC is already more advanced in terms of hardware. Someone playing Sims 3 on a a 6800 (an old card mind you) would look exactly the same. I mean why are we talking graphics in Sim 3, Has SW really stooped so low as to alking about Sims 3< OMGZORZ console graphics king now. Truth is the PC version and console version will look the same texture wise. The pc will overall look better due to more antialiasing settings than the consoles have.
Do you realise that Sims 3 has a different audience than Crysis? My cousin is a Sims 3 fan. And guess what? She can't even tell the difference RAM memory and hard drive memory. If I told her that a Geforce 6800 with 256mb VRAM can play Sims just fine, she will look at me with a puzzled face. She plays Sims 3 on her crappy LAPTOP, which cannot be upgraded with th graphics card you mentioned.your question was will the console version of the game look better than the pc version, and no it wont. Maybe compaed to a pc from 6 ears ago , but thats like comparing the 360 to the original xbox. of course the 360 will look better than an older pc, but any pc in the last 4 years would be able to run sims 3 as well or better than the 360. Im not bashing the 360 by any means i have one and play one, but the truth is PC will look the best. Any modern macine or pc from 4 even 5 years ago can run sim 3 and make it look good. Sims 3 isnt even all that great looking of a game, so the difference between the console version and the pc version is very miniscule. However with mods it can look even better. But seeing that sims 3 is mostly a casual game, I dont see people going out and buying a 300 dollar console to playa casual game whn they could pick it up for 40 dollars now and run it on there pc, and have mouse control. Ive played sims on the pc and the mouse is a much more intuitive means of playing the game rather than a joypad.
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