Nothing. Won’t come til 2020. They still have days gone, dreams, death stranding, last of us part 2, concrete genie, medievil remake, ff7 timed exclusivity, and potentially WiLd providing it didn’t get canceled.
Microsoft on the other hand only has crackdown 3 and potentially halo infinite although that could be years away. We can guarantee we will get another forza game and gears 5 next year too along with any other surprises they may bring. However it’s mostly indie titles like ori 2.
Nintendo’s promises are years away too. Open world pokemon, mainline fire emblem console game, Metroid prime 4 with no gameplay. The only thing they will for sure bring next year is that Yoshi game.
I do not see Sony revealing anything hardware related because of this. They have too much software coming and we know Nintendo will not show anything since switch just released and neither will Microsoft since Xbox one x just released.
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