let me help you on this part
nintendo only choose the graphics of the wii because they saw it working for sony , they saw that the most cheap least powerful console always sold since ps1 entered so theyd give it a try ,
even in the handhelds dept , ,
same story heres why
more graphic=less batter life (until a better battery has been released you should not go to the extreames why you think 3ds still gets the same power out of its battery-7-8 hrs on brightest settings /3d on ,
as a dsi
because they waited until battery got better
2 price would be up , -look at psp go -249,99 psp -169,99 dslite is 129,99 new 89 for the old phat used and 170 for the dsi and 189,99 for the dsixl
even though dsixl is 20 more expensive then psp it has more bigger screens then all dses
and the 2 cameras alone ,are worth because psp doesnt even have one ,
and 3
nintendo always made better games and had good support from day one on all of handhelds its put out
they dont have ports of console games all the time , which is a good thing because why would i want to play a downgraded graphic version of a home console game ,of the same name -mario doesnt count they have different tracks and stuff im talkin about a game like split second-psp or nfs underground 2 or ge rogue agent
where its all the same game as the console game just less graphical enahncment
thats why i think the 3ds will sell , not because of the graphics
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