yeah i wish to go back in 1994-1999 period ( imo best era of pc gaming)adamosmaki
From the Polls I made in the PC Forum .....
I'd say the Golden Age of PC Gaming was the 4 year span 1997 - 2000, interestingly enough about the same period 3dfx was the king of Graphics Cards. By the way, don't forget 2000, that was a great year for PC gaming.
January '97 saw the release of Diablo and GL Quake (an open-GL version of Quake that began the rise of Graphics cards). Also, Quakes' first 2 expansions were both released that month.
PC was brilliant for the next 4 years, but in 2001 it began a decline thanks to the rise of PS2, X-Box (Halo was released that year), and GC.
Developers sadly took a turn towards developing for consoles first, and it marked the dumbing down of quality games to use on consoles.
PC gaming will never die though, but 1997-2000 was the Golden Age of PC Gaming. Hopefully for whatever reason there will be another one.
We need more creative games like System Shock 2, Sacrifice, Planescape Torment, MDK, Battlezone, and Dungeon Keeper.
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