**** no the DS shits on it, like supremely shits on it.
The DS was the beginning of unique things like Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, while also adding games like 999, Elite Beat Agents, Hotel Dusk, Ghost Trick, The World Ends With You to go along with under the radar gems like Shantea Risky's Revenge and Alien Infestation (one of the better metroid styled games, ever). To go along with some Nintendo first party, plus Advance Wars was at its fucking peak with Dual Strike.
The 3DS? where the **** is the new shit? all of it is the sequels to Layton and Phoenix which got fucking stale, and frankly Phoenix Wright plays better on an ipad, and more nintendo shit, of which only Zelda has actually been legit great. Fire Emblem Awakening was good, but the rest of the stuff? luigi's Mansion was boring, kid icarus controls like shit, mario kart and pokemon are Nintendo's versions of call of duty and madden, and then they have Super Mario Easy Land.
SMT4 is an okay game when you get over the fact that it's basically baby's first SMT after how brilliant Nocturne was.
Bravely Default fucking SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS once it decides it's going to recycle shit.
And beyond Rhythm Thief (fucking awesome), it has ....barely anything to offer that is unique and special the way the DS did when it had some genuinely clever things to offer. The 3DS wishes it was up to snuff with the DS.
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