I mean its a great game and I hope everyone who plays it enjoys it, but its gonna look like **** compared with the pc version.
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They said it'll run ~medium on PC, which isn't bad, so... yea, it'll look decent.
It's not like it's a real open game, it doesn't feel much off a corridor most of the time, and those tend to be easy to render.
If the game is great to begin with that must mean you trust CD Projekt whom has already said they believe it will be onpar with a pc running it on medium....
If the game is great to begin with that must mean you trust CD Projekt whom has already said they believe it will be onpar with a pc running it on medium....
struggling for 20-30 fps at medium-low, ouch. thats gotta sting.
um they didn't say that at any point But remember a game is completely unplayable at 30 fps... whats funny is the damage control you and other hermits will throw up when it achieves solid 30 fps at complete medium settings *love how your saying medium low* cause it will be such a threat to the already on life support pc gaming industry.[QUOTE="Jankarcop"][QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]
If the game is great to begin with that must mean you trust CD Projekt whom has already said they believe it will be onpar with a pc running it on medium....
struggling for 20-30 fps at medium-low, ouch. thats gotta sting.
um they didn't say that at any point But remember a game is completely unplayable at 30 fps...
whats funny is the damage control you and other hermits will throw up when it achieves solid 30 fps at complete medium settings *love how your saying medium low* cause it will be such a threat to the already on life support pc gaming industry.
PC's not on 'life support' :roll:[QUOTE="Jankarcop"][QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]
If the game is great to begin with that must mean you trust CD Projekt whom has already said they believe it will be onpar with a pc running it on medium....
struggling for 20-30 fps at medium-low, ouch. thats gotta sting.
um they didn't say that at any point But remember a game is completely unplayable at 30 fps... whats funny is the damage control you and other hermits will throw up when it achieves solid 30 fps at complete medium settings *love how your saying medium low* cause it will be such a threat to the already on life support pc gaming industry.For once, I agree with this bearded guy. With the exception of the last sentence.
You probably have very high standards for graphics if you think the console version doesn't look even decent.
If the game is great to begin with that must mean you trust CD Projekt whom has already said they believe it will be onpar with a pc running it on medium....
struggling for 20-30 fps at medium-low, ouch. thats gotta sting.
tbh for an rpg i personally dont see why on consoles they would really need 60fps.
Which version? You say it will look like **** compared to it, but you don't specify. The maxed setting? High? Medium?
Anyways, no good can come from this silly topic. And the answer is yes, because it has already been confirmed to look the same as it does on medium.
Yes it will look decent. I am currently replaying some N64 titles which all still look decent so...
I think only PC gamers can be so elitist and amazingly out of mind when it comes to graphics. One jaggy or low-res texture and suddenly a game is an abomination and should not be played (that's how you sound).
I mean its a great game and I hope everyone who plays it enjoys it, but its gonna look like **** compared with the pc version.
Will look same as on PC high as developers confirmed, so decent enough
Same as Crysis 2
I personally had sub 30 fps dips on hardware which is much more powerful than 360, running on high settings. Also, game seemed CPU bottlenecked on my machine, because there wasn't a big difference in framerate between low and high settings. I think the game will look decent, but I wonder if the performance will be smooth. It might have issues maintaining 30 fps and probably no v-sync.
I personally had sub 30 fps dips on hardware which is much more powerful than 360, running on high settings. Also, game seemed CPU bottlenecked on my machine, because there wasn't a big difference in framerate between low and high settings. I think the game will look decent, but I wonder if the performance will be smooth. It might have issues maintaining 30 fps and probably no v-sync.
Consoles are no PC, Crysis 2 looks stunning on 360 and so will Withcer 2
I personally had sub 30 fps dips on hardware which is much more powerful than 360, running on high settings. Also, game seemed CPU bottlenecked on my machine, because there wasn't a big difference in framerate between low and high settings. I think the game will look decent, but I wonder if the performance will be smooth. It might have issues maintaining 30 fps and probably no v-sync.
Consoles are no PC, Crysis 2 looks stunning on 360 and so will Withcer 2
Crysis 2 was running a lot better on my rig compared to W2, btw. And it had performance issues on consoles. So there you have it - performance of console version of W2 is in question.
I personally had sub 30 fps dips on hardware which is much more powerful than 360, running on high settings. Also, game seemed CPU bottlenecked on my machine, because there wasn't a big difference in framerate between low and high settings. I think the game will look decent, but I wonder if the performance will be smooth. It might have issues maintaining 30 fps and probably no v-sync.
Consoles are no PC, Crysis 2 looks stunning on 360 and so will Withcer 2
Crysis 2 was running a lot better on my rig compared to W2, btw. And it had performance issues on consoles. So there you have it - performance of console version of W2 is in question.
Maybe we agree on performance, but is a RPG, so wont matter much
Witcher 2 doesn't that great to begin with. It will look great on the 360.
Its easy to tell who actually played the game maxed out and who didnt and its clearly obvious you havent. Anyways i think it looks like crap compared to the pc but its a great game despite the graphics and i may buy it again on 360 for the achievements.
I mean its a great game and I hope everyone who plays it enjoys it, but its gonna look like **** compared with the pc version.
Will look same as on PC high as developers confirmed, so decent enough
Same as Crysis 2
Considering I think many of last gen console games look decent.. Yes, I think it will be fine. Another plus for being a console gamer I guess. It would suck too think most games look like garbage.. But then again, I've played Crysis near its max settings & still think my console games look better than fine. Strange.
it will look decent....still funny watching people think it will match the PC ver high settings because Crysis 2 was on the consoles.lawlessx
Why not ? If Crysis 2 looks like that on 360, then Withcer 2 can definalty be like high setting on 360
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]it will look decent....still funny watching people think it will match the PC ver high settings because Crysis 2 was on the consoles.loosingENDS
Why not ? If Crysis 2 looks like that on 360, then Withcer 2 can definalty be like high setting on 360
hahahahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. :roll:
If they cared that much about the graphics they'd have it on PC.
Leave them alone, they'll enjoy the game just as much as you did.
Yeah I'll just play it on my PC for max settings (no ubersampling :( ) Though I'll probably still get it on the 360 to play on my 1080p tv because I'm too lazy to get a second HDMI cable to hook up my PC. On topic, I think the main thing the 360 will fail at is the textures, that's one of the most refined parts about the witcher the LOD is awesome. Good thing the 360 has a great track record at crisp textures! right?achilles614
Did fine with Crysis 2 textures, the difference will not be that big
Yes it will not only look decent but rather comparable to the PC counterpart and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it'll be the finest looking and playing TW2 on consoles at the time of it's launch - Ya know, since I'm betting the TC is a cow hiding behind the PC once again. :twisted:
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