I own a PS3 and only a PS3, but I can admit that there hasn't been much to brag about with the system. Still, the line-up for this year is incredible and despite the system being expensive, recieving a lot of bad rep and not really having a great game outside of Resistance which is really graphically inferior to anything 360 has right now, it still has sold 3 million units worldwide and is gaining quite a bit of steam.
All this talk about Sony's doom has me laughing. Sony doesn't want the system to sell as well as the Wii right now, they lose money on every PS3 sold! They only need the system to create an install base right now and then, in a year's time when they develop new ways to create it at a lesser cost, they will want it to sell like the PSone and PS2 which combined for over 225 million units sold worldwide.
Does anyone not remember that XBOX only sold 24 million units worldwide, had no Japanese market and cost Microsoft a 4 billion dollar loss? And still, they release the 360 and now it's talked about like the PS2 used to be back in the last generation.
If people think PS3 will fail like a Dreamcast, they need to remember that Sega died due to a string of failures and Sony has had nothing but success. Besides, on its current pace and with the line-up of games it will have for the next 2 years+ and its SCEA published exclusives, not too mention games like MGS4 and NG: Sigma (which are both still exclusive), do you not think that it will sell atleast 30 million units worldwide in the system's lifetime? If Microsoft's gaming division didn't die with only 24 million sales and a $4 billion loss and Nintendo didn't die only selling 20 million Gamecubes worldwide, then I doubt one little bump in the road is going to kill Sony.
Just wanted to give my two cents about that.
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