haven't any of you doubters realised that they've been steadily making each subsequen FF more mature?
I've read up on FFXIII and versus and by the sounds of it they're trying to make it all a lot more realistic and fresh.
In a recent interview (look up FF-XIII.net) nomura explains how he's trying to makea story with more emotion, and how he wants to make the characters feel more real.
I find the criticisim of the playstation era FF's very silly especially X. What other game bothers to cram so much detail into the worlds. I'll agree that the characters have a lot left to be desired but cmon in comparison to nearly every other rpg and game for that matter they're a lot more believable. i was dissapointed with XII as i expected So much more, but with that game you've gotta take into account the fact that the director left halfway and the others had to make sense of the rest probably. It's strange how people call FF cliche and ignore the fact that practically 99 percent of games out there have cliche storylines(in fable your village actually burns down!), what gets you through is the gameplay.
If people are hoping mistwalker are going revoluionise rpg storytelling please just look at a clip of blue dragon. it plays exactly like an annoying sugaryanime. Maybe LO will be different, but i'm not expecting it to trump Squeenix.
the very fact that the protagonist of XIII is a woman,andthat she' "destined to destroy mankind". and thefact that they're avoidingmanyof the traditions (having a love story) and the fact that the story of XIII deals with an isolationist dystopian state (cocoon)is kinda whyi haven't lost faith in square-enix. Oh and the world showcased in that teaserclip and the other youtube clipslooks awesome
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