I have not bought a Madden game brand new in a few years for a couple reasons such as the game is usually only updated a little bit from the last one even though they had to remake a whole new game. I realize that the devs put in alot of work to the game and have to put in a whole new roster but still I don't feel like I'm getting my moneys worth. A big reason why I don't buy the new madden games anymore is because I can wait a whole year after the game has been release and buy it for $10 instead of paying $60 the only thing is and this really pisses me off and its only thing EA has going for them with the Madden series the cut off the online play all together with the old version of the game but thats fine with me I'm fine with just playing against the cpu but I would really like it if they would stop cutting off the online but oh well.
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