It looks amazing based on the trailers but I feel like its going to mess up in some way
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@Nengo_Flow: idk the 8 year development has me curious
Curious of what? just how shitty it will be?
It's the game I'm looking forward the most. Sure 13 was crap and 13-2 was forgettable, but I never was that excited for the 13 series before they came out
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Don't deny it, FF13's trailer looked dazzling.
SE = lulz
FF= is poo poo
Why people continue to fall for FF bullshit, is beyond me
Because IX X and XII are three of the best games ever made.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Don't deny it, FF13's trailer looked dazzling.
true but this game is being made by a completely different team and Nomura is the designer and director too. If it ends up bad then this would be Nomura's first bad game in years. In fact, every single of his games have been well received by both the press and fans.
Honestly the setting and combat looks like it'll be really interesting. It has me intrigued for the game.
I'll be excited for Final Fantasy until the day Square stops making the series.
And yeah, I enjoyed FFXIII. Bite me.
@DarkLink77: Wait you did? Really?? You of all people liked FF13? That surprises me, to say the least.
@DarkLink77: Wait you did? Really?? You of all people liked FF13? That surprises me, to say the least.
Literally every problem that game has is due to its linearity. Every single one. No towns, which hurts the pacing, so you're in combat all the time, which makes it hard to tell the story without resorting to the datalog to explain things. In addition, no downtime for the characters means less development, and more of it has to come in small moments scattered along the way.
That said, if you approach the game and accept it for what it is, it's pretty fun. Excellent combat system, a decent cast (I really like Sazh, Lightning, Fang, and Snow), and it's gorgeous and has an interesting setting. And the music is really good.
It's not perfect, and it's definitely not in the top tier of FF titles, but it's a solid game in its own right.
@DarkLink77: Oh I totally agree, I'm just saying I was surprised that you liked it :P
Surprisingly, the only character I can't stand is Snow, simply because his story is that he has a hero complex. Vannille, while obnoxious, actually has a great story behind her character. Everyone else had their own reasons for fighting, too, aside from Snow, who, like I said, has a hero complex. But yeah I dig the combat, although I'm stuck on chapter 12... I suppose I should go back and try to finish the game soon, it's been a while since I played it.
I care quite a lot and I will most likely not be buying a ps4 or xbone until it is close to release. I am a big fan of Tetsuya Nomura and I would like a good FF (I actually liked 13 despite the flaws but 13-2 was garbage) Hopefully it does not disappoint or I will really fear for the future of FF
Versus used to be my most anticipated game for quite some time, but after little information year after year I just started to get angry. Now, with it becoming FFXV I know that it will be coming sometime soon and I am getting more and more excited.
But I really refuse to support Square-Enix's practices with this game so I'll be waiting a while after the game is released to purchase it used. Even though in the grand scheme it may not matter, I don't want to give my money to a company who left me dissatisfied for so long.
@DarkLink77: Oh I totally agree, I'm just saying I was surprised that you liked it :P
Surprisingly, the only character I can't stand is Snow, simply because his story is that he has a hero complex. Vannille, while obnoxious, actually has a great story behind her character. Everyone else had their own reasons for fighting, too, aside from Snow, who, like I said, has a hero complex. But yeah I dig the combat, although I'm stuck on chapter 12... I suppose I should go back and try to finish the game soon, it's been a while since I played it.
I like Snow for two reasons.
1. Troy Baker.
2. His character arc is interesting to me. Yeah, he's got a hero complex, but the game constantly throws that back in his face because he fails so much over the course of the story. So it's interesting watching him try to adapt to that. I haven't heard him use the word "hero" in a while.
I haven't finished it either. I just beat Bathandelus, but I want to keep playing. It's got me hooked.
it will depend on whether it remains exclusive or not, if it were exclusive then cows will say it's an 11/10 and masturbate to it every night before bed, if it goes multiplatform then it will need to thrive on its own merits
I'm not stoked at all, not like I am for the release of Persona 5, but I might enjoy it, people seem to hate the FFXIII games and I kind of dig them, they're not great but they're still a lot of fun
@DarkLink77: That's how it was to me, but one of the issues in the game were the "wall" bosses... Where you'd just need to get lucky to win. I got to one very late in the game, like I said, and I haven't touched it in... Quite a long time. Well over a year. Just started playing other things.
Which fight was it? Was the one where he became a giant face? If I'm not mistake, there's several fights with him.
SE = lulz
FF= is poo poo
Why people continue to fall for FF bullshit, is beyond me
Because IX X and XII are three of the best games ever made.
Yep. Before Final Fantasy XIII, the Final Fantasy series was consistently amazing, so it's pretty stupid to let XIII stop me from being interested in the series, especially since XIII was hardly bad. Just highly flawed. It was still a quality product.
@StrifeDelivery: I thought after the long boring beginning the game got great. The big problem with it IMO is it lacks that immersion in an interesting world due to the linearity and lack of cities and exploration. The characters, story, and combat system were very good though.
FFXIII-2 now that was just a mediocre game that was far from being a quality FF and it made the story far to complex and now it makes no sense
Not anymore .... I use to be a fanboy of japanese RPG (and japanese action games) and defending it on gamespot few years ago .... but now things change ..... I already completed Mass effect trilogy and currently playing skyrim... and I found it less emo and more dept in gameplay ........... I also consider the Soul series as WRPG although it was developed in japan because the gameplay is so european/american like ...
I dunno if I can hype any FF game anymore. Square-Enix has screwed with the franchise time and time again, I can't bring myself to be excited like I once did. This game looks more like an action hack and slash than it does any kind of RPG, perhaps I'm wrong. But I'd rather a JRPG than a action game when it comes to FF.
@StrifeDelivery: I thought after the long boring beginning the game got great. The big problem with it IMO is it lacks that immersion in an interesting world due to the linearity and lack of cities and exploration. The characters, story, and combat system were very good though.
FFXIII-2 now that was just a mediocre game that was far from being a quality FF and it made the story far to complex and now it makes no sense
i haven't started 13-2 yet. I do agree that the game was incredibly linear, but in a way it made sense for that particular setting. And as you near the end of the game, there are tons of things that open up that are available to do. Also agree that the characters, story, and combat system were pretty good; particularly character dynamics and combat system.
@DarkLink77: That's how it was to me, but one of the issues in the game were the "wall" bosses... Where you'd just need to get lucky to win. I got to one very late in the game, like I said, and I haven't touched it in... Quite a long time. Well over a year. Just started playing other things.
Which fight was it? Was the one where he became a giant face? If I'm not mistake, there's several fights with him.
It was the first one. He was a big face with huge shoulders.
@StrifeDelivery: I thought after the long boring beginning the game got great. The big problem with it IMO is it lacks that immersion in an interesting world due to the linearity and lack of cities and exploration. The characters, story, and combat system were very good though.
FFXIII-2 now that was just a mediocre game that was far from being a quality FF and it made the story far to complex and now it makes no sense
i haven't started 13-2 yet. I do agree that the game was incredibly linear, but in a way it made sense for that particular setting. And as you near the end of the game, there are tons of things that open up that are available to do. Also agree that the characters, story, and combat system were pretty good; particularly character dynamics and combat system.
Oh my God, there's more of us.
And yeah, the linearity is a result of the setting and the story. It makes sense, but it does hurt the game.
well i care, played enough games in the franchise to forgive them for a couple bad entries.
not as much as before...long development time and not being an exclusive anymore does that
Why does that even matter? It's not like game suddenly get worse when they release on multiple consoles.
not as much as before...long development time and not being an exclusive anymore does that
not as much as before...long development time and not being an exclusive anymore does that
Why does that even matter? It's not like game suddenly get worse when they release on multiple consoles.
the question was why people don't talk about this game as much as before..that's the reason.
FF15,KH3 and MGS5...3 very high profile games..and not a word of them is spoken on here because exclusives get the attention.
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