@SolidGame_basic said:
@ConanTheStoner: so you like PC more because it has more games? All I see you play is Street Fighter lol.
Ha, SFV is certainly my main go-to game, but I play a shit load of games on PC between Steam, GoG, fightcade, etc.
I guess my point is that it would be silly for me to put Switch above PC, when I get 99% of my game time out of PC right? Most games I play are multiplats and I play all those on PC. Most of the exclusives I play happen to be on PC too.
Not knocking the Switch, just makes no sense for me to say it's my system of the year when I hardly play it lol. Love Nintendo games, always have, probably always will, but Nintendo has been my ultimate side bitch for generations now. Always a great compliment to my primary platform, but that's about it.
@Planeforger said:
@ConanTheStoner: I think he was asking for your PC list for the year.
I'm guessing...Divinity OS2, Warhammer TW2, the Xcom 2 expansion, the Guild Wars 2 expansion...?
lol none of the above actually, though Divinity OS2 is definitely on the plate after I finish Odyssey.
As I said above, the majority of PC games I play are multiplats really. Would make a list, but it'd be both huge and boring with a mix of new and old games.
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