Nintendo stated their strategy for WiiU is to get core gamers back. Do they seriously expect us to believe their BS? Especially when WiiU's spec is on par with current-gen 6 year old systems, and all the core games they've shown were awful looking current-gen ports, ugly bulky controller that has analog nubs instead of analog sticks, stylus required outdated resistive touch screen (characteristic of the fake china IPad knockoffs), only one controller support, no mutiplayer online infrastructure, etc. The nerve for Nintendo to say this when even now they continue to spite us by refusing to bring core games like xenoblade, last story, fatal frame, etc to the U.S, and favor overpriced trash like the port of free PC games mysteries files. This is disgustingly insulting. Now that they learned their casual fanbase are not very profitable for them as they do not buy games outside of the one bundled with the system, and have already jumped ship to Apple, Nintendo finally realized that they need core gamers to stay afloat. And with the 3DS having crashed and burned and the WiiU reveal an utter disaster, Nintendo's getting desperate, yet still acting like core gamers will crawl back to them with their lousy 3rd party current-gen ports. Sorry Nintendo, it's you who need to crawl back to core gamers, and even then core gamers will spit on your face in order toreciprocate your actions. Karma Nintendo, karma.
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