...with All Stars Battle?
If so, that's pretty naive imho. The Smash Bros. audience is not easy to please and have high standards. They won't just buy into a cheap rip-off just because it looks and plays similar to Smash.
Sony also suffers from a lack of actual mascots. Crash used to be big in the PS1 days but now he's irrelevant. And some characters really don't fit in what's supposed to be a "cartoony" fighter.
It all really looks more like a bad april's fools prank than an actual game.
The only people who would buy into it are the biggest Sony fans while everyone else will rather play Smash or "serious" fighters.
Discuss. :P
You have no idea what you are talking about. First, it is obviously Sony's answer to SSB, but it does not try to replicate it with Sony characters. It is it's own thing, and it does it surprisingly well. It doesn't play like SSB at all, nor does it look like it. The game doesn't give the impression that it is trying to either.
On the talk of mascots, you're wrong again. There were 5 characters from Mario in SSB, there were 4 from Pokemon. Every character announced from All Stars has been a 1 per franchise reveal. The most recognizable characters in gaming may be Nintendo's mascots, but they were scraping the barrel way more than I think All Stars will.
Finally, it's actually fun. I've played the beta and, while it needs to be refined, they're on the right track. I'll wait for reviews before I buy, but it is not a cheap gimmicky cash grab. It is a well thought out brawler that makes it's own identity rather than trying to shamelessly copy the king of the genre. I respect that a lot.
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