Voted on "Even Valve has given up"
I'm convinced that the only way for the Steam Machine would sell is if Valve paid money for games that'd otherwise never get a PC version.
For Starters, Valve would have to fund Relic Entertainment's purchase of itself from Sega so that they can work on Dawn of War 3. Harmonix would also be a solid choice so as to give people a moddable Rock Band 4.
Additional bribes could go to Bandai Namco Studios because people still want Tales of Vesperia and Gunam VS Maxi Boost, and maybe Square-Enix so as to better persuade them into bringing FFXV and Kingdom Hearts 3 to PC/Linux.
Barring DoW3, the mentioned games would most likely be unplayable with a keyboard an mouse, so it wouldn't be a lie to say that a Steam Machine would provide the better experience compared to a Windows desktop. Unless that happens, the only people who will buy a Steam Machine would be the folks that have deluded themselves into thinking that Gabe Newell is a god.
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