Poll Does the pc have the best "HD" remakes? (49 votes)
Yes 65%
No 10%
My friends, with the likes of "Tomb Raider" and "Last Or Us" receiving... some criticism. Would it be right, and just. To assume pc currently has the best remakes known to man? Two titles come to mind, one released, while also getting a full retail release, with the blessing of Valve (because Valve are lovely people) and Homeworld, from the people who made Aliens: Colonial Marine.
Black Mesa current price - $0
"The greatest game ever made" - According to people
Homeworld 1 + 2 Remake - including both the original titles
"A movie game, with actual gameplay" - Commenter
Does any reason exist, to make a counter argument against proclaiming pc, the absolute king of remakes?
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
The criticism against The Last of Us is that Valve made Portal 2 and that Naughty Dog sells sandwiches?
I don't consider games like TLOU and Tomb Raider as remakes. Just ports.
Exactly. They're ports which are slightly upgraded to take advantage of the new system's power. And because current-gen consoles lack BC, they're also the only version of the game which will play on the system.
They are not "HD remakes". These ports are basically the equivalent of moving a game from Medium to Ultra settings and changing the resolution from 720p to 1080p.
Remakes are games like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Resident Evil for Gamecube.
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
The criticism against The Last of Us is that Valve made Portal 2 and that Naughty Dog sells sandwiches?
Don't know.I've never tried too many PC game remakes because I still have the originals. I have Tomb Raider Anniversary and I thought it was pretty good.
Now, what I want to see is a 1080p HD remake of the Uncharted games for the PS4.
@Telekill: For some people they are. For me I'd have to say Resident Evil is better than Half-Life. I can't anything about Homeworld as I've never played it.
Resident Evil Remake (Gamecube) says hi and shits on those PC games.
That's not an HD remake. And fucking Black Mesa is god damn amazing. I am sorry, but REmake doesn't have shit on this:
Black Mesa looks like a god damn "next gen" game.
One is an HD remake (1080p+) with high res textures, vastly improved lighting/effects, with physics and all, whereas the other is a sub 480p remake with static, pre-rendered backgrounds. The quality of the game being remade is subjective of course, but at the end of the day, Black Mesa is a hell of a lot more tolerable graphically/presentation-wise than REmake and is thus a better remake. Not to mention, Black Mesa was done by modders and is free.
Black Mesa is amazing. It felt like playing Half Life for the first time again. The devs really put a ton of quality into that. It's not just a simple up-rez.
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
Maybe they re-released TLOU because it's the better game
Now, what I want to see is a 1080p HD remake of the Uncharted games for the PS4.
ugh... I can't believe people actually want this kind of crap.
I'd understand wanting a remaster of a game from 2-3 gens ago, but wanting to pay for a last gen port with a few touch-ups is ridiculous; I just don't understand the reasoning behind it.
Well on PC you can put most games or force some older games to output in HD resolutions without having to pay 50 dollars for the game again
I think that's pretty great.
It is. You can also do really cool things with technology that wasn't even available at the time, such as forcing screen space ambient occlusion.
For some reason, on consoles, it costs $49 to go into the game options and turn the resolution up.
Well, that's because people are willing to pay that much for them.
See, I don't mind paying 30-40 for 3 PS2 games remade, because I missed out on them.
I can even understand people paying 60 for 4 Halo games remade. But I can not understand people paying 50 dollars for a resolution increase of one game. It's an awful value proposition and still I see people excited for it and defend that practice to the dead.
Now, what I want to see is a 1080p HD remake of the Uncharted games for the PS4.
ugh... I can't believe people actually want this kind of crap.
I'd understand wanting a remaster of a game from 2-3 gens ago, but wanting to pay for a last gen port with a few touch-ups is ridiculous; I just don't understand the reasoning behind it.
Oh. It's pretty simple. While playing each game, there were so many times I uttered, "I wish this was at 1080p." Now with the PS4, it could happen. Besides, remake can mean more than just a resolution gain. For all we know, ND will use the same engine as the one that will be used for UC4.
I didn't make the assumption remake meant just a few touch-ups. You did.
PC HD remakes? Options menu -> Resolution settings -> 1920x1080 + -> You have you your very own PC HD remake.
True, for most cases.
But we should make a difference between a remake and a resolution bump
Like a game like Halo: Anniversary, that's a remake
A game like TLOU Remastered is a resolution bump
I would buy remakes on PC (Age of Mythology: EX, Metro 2033 Redux, Grim Fandango) but resolution bumps is not something you can buy on PC (there is just no reason), but you can on consoles. Lots in fact.
They're not really remakes on PC. Many old games are just very scalable, and modern GPUs can play many of them easily in 4k or with supersampling, and you can queeze out more out of the visuals with mods like ENB or Sweet FX which are compatible with almost any game.
They're not really remakes on PC. Many old games are just very scalable, and modern GPUs can play many of them easily in 4k or with supersampling, and you can queeze out more out of the visuals with mods like ENB or Sweet FX which are compatible with almost any game.
They're not really remakes on PC. Many old games are just very scalable, and modern GPUs can play many of them easily in 4k or with supersampling, and you can queeze out more out of the visuals with mods like ENB or Sweet FX which are compatible with almost any game.
I just wish supper sampling was easier to do.
I looked into super sampling on AMD and pfffft, last thing I found was that it required to go back to older drivers. Just looked like a big hassle to me, wish it could be done from the nvidia or AMD control panel.
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
This is such a hypocrite thing to say...lol
How about Gold edition of games.?
The same damn freaking game re re release on the same damn console with a DLC content and some stupidity change,is basically a Refresh GPU on PC,you know 7870,no that is old look at the new and flashy R9 270 a few mhz faster with 5 more frames,just to stop from lowering the price of an actual 7870,some cards you can even flash it as a stronger model WTF man.
So in the spirit of been straight forward looking this sh** happen on all platforms,when is not games is hardware by what you are trick for,since ever PC has get refresh GPU which is basically the same sh** under a different bag,just so GPU makers can keep prices higher for longer time on the same models.
Case in point early last year i saw some 7850 for as little as $115,now look at the R265 a refresh 7850 $139 cheapest one,every one get shafted by re makes and re bags such is life,do like me don't buy it.
@jun_aka_pekto said:
@scottpsfan14 said:
PC HD remakes? Options menu -> Resolution settings -> 1920x1080 + -> You have you your very own PC HD remake.
Even if an older game can be raised to 1080p, it can use more improvements. Example is Doom 3 (unmodded, of course).
I was playing C&C Generals zero hour at 1080p and my R270 or CPU got to hot and quit,i can't believe an old game like that still can stress a GPU,i remember how mods use to stress my 240GT as well on the same game,i don't know why C&C get the hardware so hot.
@uninspiredcup What criticism did The Last of Us receive? Too many GOTY awards isn't a real criticism.
My friend, Valve made a more original game with game play, Portal 2, yet they did not resort to re-releeasing it 15 minutes later, thus, they avoid criticism due to having some form of dignity.
It's worth noting as well, Naughty Dog sell subway sandwiches.
it's also worth noting you took that off of a shitty youtube trailer (not even the more recent one) and your threads suck.
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