As it looks like the PS3 has been hacked in a way Sony can't easilly fix, do you think they will bring forward plans for a PS4 and release it sooner than originally planned?
I know Sony wanted to wait a few more years before releasing a new system, but will this situation make them hurry a little? Maybe 2012 instead of 2013/14?
Actually I hope so, I'm sick of this gen, I want a console to output a 1080p 3D picture @ 60fps per eye and much better graphics to at least be on par with my 1 year old Notebook :/ But I'm afraid it won't happen, Sony made a big lose with the Ps3 and now that it makes profit they want to keep it alive as long as possible :S
if your wanting that kinda stuff maybe PC gaming is more you ball :P what you have to remember is these consoles specs wise are dinosaurs, the gen will last least anoother 2 years i think purely after these peripherals appeared for the PS3 and 360 showing they are gonna be round for a while.
The jailbreak is just a jailbreak a lot of consumers wont even know bout it or even touch it for that matter.Look at the PS2 it survived and still is after fairly rampant piracy same goes for the 360 and wii.
this gen aint going anywhere, people arent wanting to fork out for new consoles, the economy isnt to great and other things are bigger priorities for companies, aswell as ms getting behind kinect,ninty seeming to do their own thing, aswell as Sony supporting the PS3 shows there aint gonna be no new consoles for a while.
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