[QUOTE="the_bi99man"]It's not exclusive, but the PS3 version of Counterstrike: Global Offensive lets you use a keyboard and mouse, making it infinitely better than the 360 version, by default. Although, anyone who's actually trying to play that game is playing it on PC.
GTFO !!!! you serious? I used to LOVE counterstrike lol. I didn't have a PC back in the day so i lived in the computer cafes. This is epic news, THX. I have it on the 360 and its meh, cause of the dumb contorllerIndeed, it is pretty sweet, although if you're thinking about getting it again, you should just go for PC, if your computer is anywhere near modern. It's a source game, so it runs on pretty much anything. I game on a damn near 4 year old laptop, and I can max it out completely at 1920x1080, with a flawless 60 frames per second.
But yeah, as for the PS3 version, it supports mouse and keyboard. Not sure if they have to be any special kind. I think it'll work with any m/kb you plug into the USB ports, but I'm not certain. My roommate plays it on PS3, but he uses the controller, for some reason.
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