How many times have you seen a review come out for a new game that falls short of expectations and the immediate gamer response is, "It should be higher!" Almost as bad are the ones who go, "They got it all wrong. I've played an hour of this game and it's a least a 9.0, maybe a 9.5."
You've played AN HOUR. That's a very small portion of a game that's (hopefully) much longer. I know demos can give you a decent impression of what a game's gonna be like, but playing a game for an hour and determining it's worth based on that is poor reviewing. How seriously would you take somebody that told you a game sucked that they only played for 15 minutes? Some people have short attention spans and different tastes. Likewise, judging a game based off of an hour of gameplay is like judging a book by its cover.
Does anyone else agree with this?
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