The Last of Us (95), Final Fantasy Realm Reborn (86), MLB14 The Show (83), Infamous Second Son (80), Killzone ShadowFall (73) and Drive Club (72) are all pretty good games. That's at least 4 games with a Metacritic score above an 80.
Let's be honest, Xbox only dropped 8 retail exclusives so far (only one more game than PS4). Out of those 8 xbox games, only 2 have a Metacritic score above an 80: TitanFall (86), Forza Horizon 2 (86), Forza 5 (79), Dead Rising 3 (78), Dance Central (74), Kinect Sports (60), Ryse (60) and Fighter Within (23).
Its amazing how Xbox fans try convincing themselves that Xbox has "more games" as a consolation prize to the fact that PS4 is outselling the Xbox One worldwide. Both consoles have about the same amount of quality retail games. It all comes down to which lineup interests you the most. Keep in mind, this doesn't include the downloadable gsmes. A category in which PS4 crushes X1. I think we can confirm PS4 has the better library.
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