I'm tired of reading posts from people that are marketers whom were hired to hype this game and post here on this forum.
Don't buy this title-- don't buy into the hype.
Little Big Planet is:* just like playing wth dolls
* not pick up and play
* tedious rather than fun :( -- you're building rather than playing
*overly hyped
*is it for little kids? The art says so but are kids really going to use the content creator tools? Why not get the kid some blocks or teach them how to build something where the process will be educational and not be so time consuming?
*Sack boy is uber-generic-- I'll bet a gagillion dollars that Sony will nickle and dime you hard working people so you can dress up your little dolls?
The game weill be a waste of time-- except for sony.
Sony will be taking user created content and using it for their own means. Its as if they are getting free labor.
Plus, there are marketing shills on this forum dedicated to hyping this game-- its not even out! Very little hands on time has been spent. OMG-- this is the funnest thing ever--YAY!!! Then 4 other people spontaneously post after ward to re-enforce the fake hype!
Another game with user created stuff that was hyped to kingdom-come SPORE -- ended up getting mediocre scores from several web sites!!!
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