it is disgraceful from a UK respective when you think the ps4 is being sold at £349 and the Xbox One is £429, I mean they are exactly the same spec wise, no wait ps4 has slightly better spec and xbox one you have to buy xbox live just to even play the thing, so the price then jumps up to £479 the real price is, which no one is even thinking about, at least when i get my ps4 i can go home and not worry and think o no i have to now pay another fee just to play. i can just plug in a play a game
so scrap that first price it's ps4 £349 and xbone £479. it's crazy.
Regarding the features aspect there all free on ps4 straight away with you only having to pay the fee for that feature, ie netflix. xbox has always had that you have to pay them first before even touching the features. the TV part isn't even available in our country yet and who needs another tv guide.
So for me personally I'm looking at it and thinking why should i pay over £100 more for something which has the exactly the same games will be exactly the same graphics with less variety in their exclusives. their is only one clear winner and thats ps4 for me, who ever buys into xbox one, is just naive because your buying into a future which nothing is yours. which i am not willing to be apart of, i have a pc for them games, a console is ment to be an easier option.
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