So who else is in the closed beta?
I apparently got in, I guess for The New Order, shit crashed at the fugly ass Bethesda logo. Didn't even run 60 frames, dropped to like 28. Game sucks
Your thoughts on the beta?
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It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
Got into the beta but not really all that interested in downloading it. I did play the alpha though, which was decent. I'm not really a MP gamer anymore though so there's that.
It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
That might be disrespectful to Quake Live, I basically just ran around shooting dudes mindlessly. It's like an arena shooter if they completely got rid of anything you can get at (the movement is both slow, and lacks like anything beyond the basic strafing you would do on your own), the hitboxes are pretty large, and there is this module system which is basically like what burn cards are in Titanfall, except you have them every match and use them a bunch more.
It's like Halo if you took out things that Halo requires you to at least get good at to give that game a skill ceiling, and for the eventual "lol halo is no szkillzeru" okay, now imagine how shallow this must be, that Halo looks like Unreal2k4 in comparison? Exactly.
it looks too slow, it's a game built around consoles sadly
all the official footage has been played with a controller and 55 fov
It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
That might be disrespectful to Quake Live, I basically just ran around shooting dudes mindlessly. It's like an arena shooter if they completely got rid of anything you can get at (the movement is both slow, and lacks like anything beyond the basic strafing you would do on your own), the hitboxes are pretty large, and there is this module system which is basically like what burn cards are in Titanfall, except you have them every match and use them a bunch more.
The loadout is straight from QL(everyone hated it), movement feels supbar, 50armor cap, can't pickup weapons? Then they added dmg text, melee moves? I've just seen a bit of gameplay so observation might be little bit off
@jg4xchamp: Just because your PC cant handle 60fps doesnt mean the game sux
"shit crashed at the fugly ass Bethesda logo. Didn't even run 60 frames, dropped to like 28. Game sucks"
As in the boot up logo, as in before you even play the game, as in the slow down on the logo was read as 28 frames on fraps. Come on, son.
It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
That might be disrespectful to Quake Live, I basically just ran around shooting dudes mindlessly. It's like an arena shooter if they completely got rid of anything you can get at (the movement is both slow, and lacks like anything beyond the basic strafing you would do on your own), the hitboxes are pretty large, and there is this module system which is basically like what burn cards are in Titanfall, except you have them every match and use them a bunch more.
The loadout is straight from QL(everyone hated it), movement feels supbar, 50armor cap, can't pickup weapons? Then they added dmg text, melee moves? I've just seen a bit of gameplay so observation might be little bit off
Spot on. Movement is terribly slow, as are the rockets. Loadouts are pretty lame. Constant voice announcer is annoying (Halo?).
Not original to say, but it is Halo w/ gore mod.
Other stuff not previously mentioned:
Force starts on second monitor, can't bring it back to primary. Crashes on game startup if focus is changed to game on said 2nd monitor during startup logos, Can't turn off motion blur. Key Bindings menu is broken.
Watching that Danny Dyer playing on the stream it looks more fast paced than initially suspected. Alrthough the screen effects looked very convoluted.
Watching that Danny Dyer playing on the stream it looks more fast paced than initially suspected. Alrthough the screen effects looked very convoluted.
yea it actually looked kinda fun in that stream. I might be able to get my hands on a PS4 code this weekend but playing with a controller doesn't sound like much fun
It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
That might be disrespectful to Quake Live, I basically just ran around shooting dudes mindlessly. It's like an arena shooter if they completely got rid of anything you can get at (the movement is both slow, and lacks like anything beyond the basic strafing you would do on your own), the hitboxes are pretty large, and there is this module system which is basically like what burn cards are in Titanfall, except you have them every match and use them a bunch more.
It's like Halo if you took out things that Halo requires you to at least get good at to give that game a skill ceiling, and for the eventual "lol halo is no szkillzeru" okay, now imagine how shallow this must be, that Halo looks like Unreal2k4 in comparison? Exactly.
That does not make me happy.
Not that I didn't expect it or anything. I never have faith in old school shooters on console. I still remember Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 3. I have yet to drink enough alcohol to forget.
Played it.
Weak weapon sounds, shit announcer, stupid loadouts, felt too clean for a gory game has DOOM.
Faster paced than i expected, but, weapons are too weapon weak. TTK is way too high. I shot a guy right in the face with a Shotgun and he didn't die. WTF?
The plasma and AR simply take far too long to kill someone with.
Jesus, it's bad. If we atleast had modding tools to make it work, it'd me fine, but no, we get a shitty console editor.
It really looks like QuakeLive on better graphics and speed turned down a notch, have to test it before laying down judgement on the MP. I'm not expecting much of the SP
That might be disrespectful to Quake Live, I basically just ran around shooting dudes mindlessly. It's like an arena shooter if they completely got rid of anything you can get at (the movement is both slow, and lacks like anything beyond the basic strafing you would do on your own), the hitboxes are pretty large, and there is this module system which is basically like what burn cards are in Titanfall, except you have them every match and use them a bunch more.
It's like Halo if you took out things that Halo requires you to at least get good at to give that game a skill ceiling, and for the eventual "lol halo is no szkillzeru" okay, now imagine how shallow this must be, that Halo looks like Unreal2k4 in comparison? Exactly.
That does not make me happy.
Not that I didn't expect it or anything. I never have faith in old school shooters on console. I still remember Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 3. I have yet to drink enough alcohol to forget.
Do you know there exist heathens who think Quake 4 is a good video game, because that campaign is good, while completely ignoring what an abortion that multiplayer is? Scum of the earth.
Played it.
Weak weapon sounds, shit announcer, stupid loadouts, felt too clean for a gory game has DOOM.
Faster paced than i expected, but, weapons are too weapon weak. TTK is way too high. I shot a guy right in the face with a Shotgun and he didn't die. WTF?
The plasma and AR simply take far too long to kill someone with.
Jesus, it's bad. If we atleast had modding tools to make it work, it'd me fine, but no, we get a shitty console editor.
It's like this weird middle ground of Arena Shooter principles, but doesn't want to have the whole territory control aspect of the gameplay. There are so many little things that would add to the game, like people actually getting knocked back by rockets for double taps n stuff, launching your own damn self with rockets. Personally base movement never feels fast enough for Doom as it is. But I want to chalk that up to they took the sprint away, I think the Shotgun sounds right, though I agree I want to see more people getting split in half when I shoot them. Game needed to take some pages out of the Gears of War school of dead body animations. Gibs, Gibs, Gibs, and when you're done with all that Gib, you add more gibs.
Thought it was supposed to be 60 faps?
Game looked like a slower shittier halo anyway. I'll get doom 64 instead :)
That does not make me happy.
Not that I didn't expect it or anything. I never have faith in old school shooters on console. I still remember Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 3. I have yet to drink enough alcohol to forget.
Do you know there exist heathens who think Quake 4 is a good video game, because that campaign is good, while completely ignoring what an abortion that multiplayer is? Scum of the earth.
Acknowledging them as scum is giving them far too great a ranking.
Oh so it's the PC version is buggy crap then. Funny, that's been the case with id tech games ever since rage.
Game has that same texture pop in stuff too.
It's fucking halo dude.
Like wow, I can 't believe Bethesda shit the bed this bad. That's a complete lie, I can totally believe it.
The only redeemable thing this game might have is the Campaign, and that's a big IF.
Thought it was supposed to be 60 faps?
Game looked like a slower shittier halo anyway. I'll get doom 64 instead :)
omg you people with the bad reading, the game is at 60 faps, however if you like even press a key while the Bethesda logo shows up when you boot, the game locks on the logo or full on crashes. The actual game has run fine for me.
It's fucking halo dude.
Like wow, I can 't believe Bethesda shit the bed this bad. That's a complete lie, I can totally believe it.
That's disrespectful to Halo, for starters Halo actually was a proper arena shooter, just minus the speed (and yeah wasn't as high of a skill ceiling), but it wasn't this mindless in comparison. At least BR battles required a level of finesse, the stuff in this game isn't even that. Fucking Reach's DMR bloom was more balanced.
Thought it was supposed to be 60 faps?
Game looked like a slower shittier halo anyway. I'll get doom 64 instead :)
omg you people with the bad reading, the game is at 60 faps, however if you like even press a key while the Bethesda logo shows up when you boot, the game locks on the logo or full on crashes. The actual game has run fine for me.
It's fucking halo dude.
Like wow, I can 't believe Bethesda shit the bed this bad. That's a complete lie, I can totally believe it.
That's disrespectful to Halo, for starters Halo actually was a proper arena shooter, just minus the speed (and yeah wasn't as high of a skill ceiling), but it wasn't this mindless in comparison. At least BR battles required a level of finesse, the stuff in this game isn't even that. Fucking Reach's DMR bloom was more balanced.
It's like if Halo was even more shit because it was a Bethesda property.
Wait that's giving bungie, 343 too much credit. Even still I'l hold them in higher regard than Poverty Id.
omg you people with the bad reading, the game is at 60 faps, however if you like even press a key while the Bethesda logo shows up when you boot, the game locks on the logo or full on crashes. The actual game has run fine for me.
That's disrespectful to Halo, for starters Halo actually was a proper arena shooter, just minus the speed (and yeah wasn't as high of a skill ceiling), but it wasn't this mindless in comparison. At least BR battles required a level of finesse, the stuff in this game isn't even that. Fucking Reach's DMR bloom was more balanced.
It's like if Halo was even more shit because it was a Bethesda property.
Wait that's giving bungie, 343 too much credit. Even still I'l hold them in higher regard than Poverty Id.
Basically yes, poverty ID.
It's not bad but you can get Quake Live for £6 which is much better... actually I guess it is bad.
Maybe the singleplayer will be worth it.
Is the PC version actually locked on 60fps and is so, are there so far any ways around it?
Maybe in the ini files, right now the graphics options are super limited, you can't even turn off that gross ass motion blur.
It's not bad but you can get Quake Live for £6 which is much better... actually I guess it is bad.
Maybe the singleplayer will be worth it.
Oh yeah, it's pretty bad man. It's not bad in the this is clearly broken, or this is so incredibly poor on the design front. It's just not all that exciting, everything that is fun about it, is on a very basic level. That basic level being that shooting things in video games is fun, once you get over that, it's just a bunch of half baked ideas that don't really compliment each other for an interesting multiplayer game.
@jg4xchamp: old version demo, clearly you don't know how video games work
If you think any beta is a recent build, you are dumb af
Glad you aren't getting this game, stick to uncharted
@jg4xchamp: old version demo, clearly you don't know how video games work
If you think any beta is a recent build, you are dumb af
Glad you aren't getting this game, stick to uncharted
You got me man, I love me some Uncharted, all of em. Put a poster of Nathan Drake over my bed.
@Chozofication: No doubt they will be putting on their best Elmar Fudd impression when it's released.
When Quake 3 had it's alpha release (which was free), the HUD, models, damage, maps sound effects and color pallet all changed.
The fellow above is no doubt correct in suggesting it's a glorified demo, bugger all will change and it's nigh on a certainty the PC version will be a mess.
The good news is the game itself will be terrible, ruining it for everyone.
So, flop incoming. Bummer.
@jg4xchamp: old version demo, clearly you don't know how video games work
If you think any beta is a recent build, you are dumb af
Glad you aren't getting this game, stick to uncharted
You got me man, I love me some Uncharted, all of em. Put a poster of Nathan Drake over my bed.
DOOM Beta on PC is terrible. It is pretty much unplayable, at least for me.
> The game is capped at 60 fps, which sucks since many of us use 100/120/144 fps monitors. We can't take advantage of the higher frame rate. Don't expect higher refresh rates to be supported in the full release either. IDTech 6 engine and all, they probably have tons of variables dependent on a 60hz refresh rate.
> The Beta's Field of View is stuck at the same setting as the consoles. 65 degrees? *throws up* This should be a priority. Tunnel vision makes me sick.
> No Ultra Wide Resolution Support. 16:9 or 16:10 Only.
> Mouse Acceleration is Present. Feels like your attempting to emulate a joystick with a mouse.
> Video Options is barebones, which I understand since its a Beta but still, other developers usually have the full set of settings in their Betas.
> Console commands don't work either because the command prompt doesn't show up. Can't tell the engine to modify things.
You are pretty much playing the console version on your PC. Kind of expected better since DOOM was born on PC and its pretty much a PC series. They better not f*ck this shit up.
Just hop onto Unreal Tournament and enjoy a proper shooter.
I'm mostly interested in this to see the new engine and play mechanics. I didn't play very much Doom 3 multiplayer (when I did, I just hid in the shadows with a shotgun and almost got people to literally shit their pants) and am much more interested in the SP portion of the game.
Edit: Also, since this is the day and age of developers can't provide what the community wants so the community fixes it with mods, I'll wager a guess that the mod community will fix any and all problems with this within a couple months.
I was hoping for some positive feedback on the beta. I was looking forward to this game, but I might hold off until it's on sale.
DOOM Beta on PC is terrible. It is pretty much unplayable, at least for me.
> The game is capped at 60 fps, which sucks since many of us use 100/120/144 fps monitors. We can't take advantage of the higher frame rate. Don't expect higher refresh rates to be supported in the full release either. IDTech 6 engine and all, they probably have tons of variables dependent on a 60hz refresh rate.
> The Beta's Field of View is stuck at the same setting as the consoles. 65 degrees? *throws up* This should be a priority. Tunnel vision makes me sick.
> No Ultra Wide Resolution Support. 16:9 or 16:10 Only.
> Mouse Acceleration is Present. Feels like your attempting to emulate a joystick with a mouse.
> Video Options is barebones, which I understand since its a Beta but still, other developers usually have the full set of settings in their Betas.
> Console commands don't work either because the command prompt doesn't show up. Can't tell the engine to modify things.
You are pretty much playing the console version on your PC. Kind of expected better since DOOM was born on PC and its pretty much a PC series. They better not f*ck this shit up.
Just hop onto Unreal Tournament and enjoy a proper shooter.
If that's true for release version, then the game is as DOA on PC for "competitive" multiplayer
But about mouse accel, there are actually some of the very best QL players who play with it, but obviously it should be an option
So they played it way to safe for the console crowd. You can't half ass an arena shooter.
As a console gamer myself I despise devs that do this kind of thing, I was hoping it would have been more like Brutal Doom.
I was hoping for some positive feedback on the beta. I was looking forward to this game, but I might hold off until it's on sale.
If it makes you feel better the shooting engine seems fun, the Shotgun is nice and loud, and it being Doom and all there is still hope the SP will be enjoyable. I don't think any of us truly looked at Doom, and were going "man I hope the mp is good", would be nice, but not necessarily the thing we want Doom to nail.
Played it.
Weak weapon sounds, shit announcer, stupid loadouts, felt too clean for a gory game has DOOM.
Faster paced than i expected, but, weapons are too weapon weak. TTK is way too high. I shot a guy right in the face with a Shotgun and he didn't die. WTF?
The plasma and AR simply take far too long to kill someone with.
Jesus, it's bad. If we atleast had modding tools to make it work, it'd me fine, but no, we get a shitty console editor.
It's like this weird middle ground of Arena Shooter principles, but doesn't want to have the whole territory control aspect of the gameplay. There are so many little things that would add to the game, like people actually getting knocked back by rockets for double taps n stuff, launching your own damn self with rockets. Personally base movement never feels fast enough for Doom as it is. But I want to chalk that up to they took the sprint away, I think the Shotgun sounds right, though I agree I want to see more people getting split in half when I shoot them. Game needed to take some pages out of the Gears of War school of dead body animations. Gibs, Gibs, Gibs, and when you're done with all that Gib, you add more gibs.
Correct. Loadouts instead of weapon pick-ups means no map control like QUAKE/UT/etc. This meant that if you weren't well equiped you'd fall back.
now everyone runs around trying to shot each other. Plus you can nwo start with the weapons best suited for each map instea of tryng to get them. It's not a major thing ofcourse, but still sucks.
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