@i_p_daily said:
@caj1986 said:
Not to start a flame or war but honest discussion. I constantly hear and see people from both consoles (sony & Microsoft) calling PcGamers pirates including developers
Just to inform people who don't know EULA(T&C) clearly states that gamers /users never actually OWN a game or software, all they too is ACTUALLY pay for a LICENSE to use it & also the game is valid for 1 USER= 1COPY ONLY
Before this goes into furthur debate, alot of console gamers engage in Softlifting (providing the program/game to multiple users or even sell it baq to recuperate their money,also known as end user piracy or softloading)
end of the question is why are some console gamers & developers such hypocrites & double standard when they call out pcgamers as pirates but allow piracy in another form of softlifting on consoles!? Why dont they call them out on their lack of ethics & piracy too?
No trolling, lets see what everyone has to say
This is so stupid as its a hermits way to try and sling mud at us console gamers. Its simple I buy the game at a store therefore its mine and I can sell, rent, give, share with who ever I want and cannot be prosecuted by the law.
Now you hermits actually steal because you get the game without paying for it, that's the difference here.
So to be 100% clear I can buy a game and share it with 5 friends and the devs get money from the initial purchase, and if you hermits steal a game and just keep it to yourself, well then the dev gets nothing at all.
U buy it at a shop that sells you a second handed copy where no money goes towards the dev. Aka gamestop copy's.
You are stealing.
You cannot trade or share or do anything like that, read the license agreement. You are stealing.
So basically you are a thief and should feel bad. And even worse you paid company's to support these practices even more.
Devs lose a hell lot more money through selling used copy's towards new consumers then digital download piracy. Because digital download piracy can't be proven. The other one can.
Why do you think digital market on PC is massive pretty much as big as all consoles combined. Because they killed of second handed market which is by far the biggest "piracy" issue of them.
But nice job spinning tho.
Devs ask to much money for a game, people will move somewhere else or pirate it. Even if they do pirate it, it can't be proven to be a sale to start with.
If a guy in his moms basement downloads 3000 movies. Do you honestly think that kid would have paid for 3000 movies if he couldn't download them? He doesn't even have money.
The problem with company's is that they refuse to offer what consumers want and die out as result. And company's that do recognized this will started services that blow up massively.
Key sale sites.
Good examples of it.
Also free to play games, removed the barrier of people not knowing if they like it or not and make it far more easier for people to join into. Which is massive on PC that rake in far more money then any console ever will.
Either offer what consumers want, or get left in the dirt.
Ur so called fake elitist morals are just that, a joke. And the market proofs this.
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