Hey guys!
I was just thinking the other day about downloadable content! In my opinion all that is just milkage. I think we need to do something about it. Let's be honest here. Developers anounce a date for their game to be released. They always push it back that's nothing new to us but there are some ideas that they have that they just don't have time for even within the new extended timelimit that they get. So what do they do to those ideas?? They create them and put them up on live/PSN to download for 9.99-19.99 or whatever amout. In the end we end up paying around $100 for a game. Stuff that should have been included are left out ( I belive many times on purpouse) so they can milk us even more. I say it's just unfair!! I think we pay more than we need for these games to begin with. I say we sould stop this bs before it get's too far.
Even now you can see how far it goes.....example Metal Gear Solid 4. It was mentioned that MGS4 and MGO will be sold together but only a starter kit for MGO....you have to pay extra for the full version. This is taking downloadable content to the extreams!!
This can't continue like that....when we have to shell out 9.99 for two pack for Halo 3 and 9.99 for a single map and a transport plane in Warhawk!!
There is something wrong here......or only I can see that??
Now I know that it's a business...but enough is enough!! I say from now on only download free stuff!! Let's make developers include stuff in their games that should have been there in the first place...or if they didn't have time than offer the expansions for free ( I'm talking about expansions like two maps...a single car...and stuff like that, EA is chargeing 2.99 /car on PSN for NFS Pro-Street).
I can understand that they wanna charge for expansions like "The knights of the Nine" or "Shivering Isls". They are a whole game in itslef...but even that should not be 29.99 but around 15.99
So who's with me?
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