Based on rumors Nintendo will likely release an HD console next year which will eclipse the 360 and PS3 in terms of graphics.
Many of you want a new gen of consoles for better graphics but let's take a look at the downsides:
Longer development cycle. With every new gen the development cycle takes even longer. Staying with current consoles means games come out faster since the tech has been mastered. Do we really want to wait 6 years for L.A. Noire 2?
The graphics will only be slightly larger, and it will likely not have the RAM restrictions that the current Duo have... thus quicker turnaround since the developers already know how to do the graphics they know and won't have to dumb them down to work on the consoles.
Higher prices. What if new games end up being $65? Or even $70? Expect higher network fees as well.
The price will definately be higher than the price of the Wii currently. There's no saying if games will cost more, but HD zelda sounds sweet.
More restrictions. We could see some new implentations to restrict used game sales.
Its possible they could add restrictions, but I don't know if Nintendo is as concerned as Sony is (for example). Unlikely they will have more restrictions, and seeing as the remotes will have touchscreen and a camera, i'm thinking a much wider use in terms of what its capable of doing will reduce restrictions.
Sony. Who knows what they will come up with next.
Who knows, who cares. They can't release another console that drains money out of their pockets, so its conceivable they do nothing.
Dimminishing differences. In all likelyhood most games won't look that different. It will be just a handful that really push the systems. Many genres like fighting, jrpgs and sports don't require new systems. It's mainly the shooter crowd that wants better graphics.
I disagree. Right now developers make a game that works on both consoles, but they often have to deal with limitations of each consoles hardware, and with the WiiHD having less limitations, they are free to use that as the lead console and then down port the games to 360 and PS3. Its possible but then again thats only if 3rd party developers jump on the bandwagon. Again, I want a better zelda game... not a shooter.
Split market. New consoles could end up splitting the market. Just because a new system has better graphics does not mean that developers will follow. PS2/Xbox is a good example.
The market is already split only now developers can make the game for all three of the big players on the market instead of making one version for 2 consoles and another version for the wii. Its a good thing that Nintendo is doing this not a bad one.
Thats basically what I have to say about that.
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