The game coming to PS4 was just a rumor that Square denied though but the effect that rumor had, that's what is important.
Now the question is, why they don't do it? They shut themselves in the foot over and over again in the last generation trying to make all their games exclusive to the X360. They seem to be so stupid they can't make the right decisions even when it is so obvious. The same with Capcom, Platinum Games, Mistwalker, etc. Japanese companies are so stupid they think their reach would expand in the west if they go with Xbox or Nintendo for some illogical reason, although that reasoning changed to mobile now.
Dragon Quest is a big deal in Japan.
So much so, in fact, that a mistaken report that claimed Dragon Quest was in fact coming to the PlayStation 4 sent Square Enix's stock crashing through the roof. After the highly respected business publication, Nikkei, made the mistaken report (mistaking Dragon Quest Heroes 2 for a new "proper" Dragon Quest game), Square Enix's stock lept to 2788 yen; the highest point it's been this year.
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