Finally we have got an official combat walkthrough for DA2. I hope this video will finally put to rest all those "OMG! A BUTTONMASHER!" cries I've heard lately.
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Finally we have got an official combat walkthrough for DA2. I hope this video will finally put to rest all those "OMG! A BUTTONMASHER!" cries I've heard lately.
I believe witcher 2 will outclass this game in every way imaginable. Visuals look downgraded from DAo1:?
i believe they will both be great, i'll be buying both day one. great year for WRPGI believe witcher 2 will outclass this game in every way imaginable. Visuals look downgraded from DAo1:?
Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. 110millionLooks like it can be played tactically, and looked similar to Origins, but i dislike a couple of things about that video. Having no isometric camera, and not being able to move the camera away from your character is a big drawback and can lead to frustration. The game is obvious console port, look at the horrible pop-ups and bad textures.
[QUOTE="110million"]Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. GeneralShowzerLooks like it can be played tactically, and looked similar to Origins, but i dislike a couple of things about that video. Having no isometric camera, and not being able to move the camera away from your character is a big drawback and can lead to frustration. The game is obvious console port, look at the horrible pop-ups and bad textures. i played dragon age on the 360 so the camera isn't too much of a concern for me and I didn't notice much pop-ups in that video. Also playing the game with an tactical approach might become a problem since the game is designed to be fastpace
Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. 110million
Like I have tried to say several times before. We should wait and see how it'll turn out. I trust BioWare because they have never let me down before. Of course, there is always a chance for it to fail, but I like to hope for the best rather than the worst.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"][QUOTE="110million"]Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. lawlessxLooks like it can be played tactically, and looked similar to Origins, but i dislike a couple of things about that video. Having no isometric camera, and not being able to move the camera away from your character is a big drawback and can lead to frustration. The game is obvious console port, look at the horrible pop-ups and bad textures. i played dragon age on the 360 so the camera isn't too much of a concern for me and I didn't notice much pop-ups in that video. Also playing the game with an tactical approach might become a problem since the game is designed to be fastpace Start at 0.50.
[QUOTE="110million"]Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. Icarian
Like I have tried to say several times before. We should wait and see how it'll turn out. I trust BioWare because they have never let me down before. Of course, there is always a chance for it to fail, but I like to hope for the best rather than the worst.
Well I am not as in-love with bioware, so I can't share the sentiment, but I will gladly admit to being at least somewhat wrong, its not like I wanted it to look bad, I just wasn't getting a good vibe. Though with the combat looking closer (but not quite correct) to what I was expecting, the graphics and art direction is still pretty awful, hoping its just because they still have quite a bit of dev time, but its only about 3 months away, would expect them to have the graphics in a better state by now. Also tis always the horribly coloured enviornments, I know there will be more enviornments in the actual game, its just leaving a bad taste in my mouth seeing the same bland one in every video.[QUOTE="Icarian"][QUOTE="110million"]Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. 110million
Like I have tried to say several times before. We should wait and see how it'll turn out. I trust BioWare because they have never let me down before. Of course, there is always a chance for it to fail, but I like to hope for the best rather than the worst.
Well I am not as in-love with bioware, so I can't share the sentiment, but I will gladly admit to being at least somewhat wrong, its not like I wanted it to look bad, I just wasn't getting a good vibe. Though with the combat looking closer (but not quite correct) to what I was expecting, the graphics and art direction is still pretty awful, hoping its just because they still have quite a bit of dev time, but its only about 3 months away, would expect them to have the graphics in a better state by now. Also tis always the horribly coloured enviornments, I know there will be more enviornments in the actual game, its just leaving a bad taste in my mouth seeing the same bland one in every video. It has all the makings of an EA rush job. DAO only came out one year ago.[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="Icarian"]Well I am not as in-love with bioware, so I can't share the sentiment, but I will gladly admit to being at least somewhat wrong, its not like I wanted it to look bad, I just wasn't getting a good vibe. Though with the combat looking closer (but not quite correct) to what I was expecting, the graphics and art direction is still pretty awful, hoping its just because they still have quite a bit of dev time, but its only about 3 months away, would expect them to have the graphics in a better state by now. Also tis always the horribly coloured enviornments, I know there will be more enviornments in the actual game, its just leaving a bad taste in my mouth seeing the same bland one in every video. It has all the makings of an EA rush job. DAO only came out one year ago. And was also five years in development. This has revamped everything and comes out in a year. It better be delayed or something.Like I have tried to say several times before. We should wait and see how it'll turn out. I trust BioWare because they have never let me down before. Of course, there is always a chance for it to fail, but I like to hope for the best rather than the worst.
Alright, alright. Looks like I'll enjoy this.
Also hoping the Ultimate Edition of DA goes on sale this christmas on steam.
This has revamped everything and comes out in a year. It better be delayed or something.GeneralShowzerI believe in one dev diary they pointed out that they had started DA2 work near the end of the first game's completion and when they released DA:O then DA2 development got into full swing, I just have a hard time believing they were planning to dumb it down before the original even came out. We'll see though, Assassins Creed Brotherhood was able to still be awesome so soon after AC2, but it was pretty much the same game, and not much in terms of plot, while you expect a good 40 hours of solid content with a decent plot out of DA2.
Oh yes I meant to say this but forgot, the rogue animations as he was jumping around at the start were simply terrible, I suppose they won't stand out much in tactical mode, but geez.That looked better honestly, and as a hater my hope has been restored, however.... one thing that kinda bothered me and it bothers me with all bioware games.... dem animations!! FIX THEM BIOWARE!!!!
That looked much better than I expected, and I'm glad they've improved the non-mage combat so dramatically. I'm still concerned the story will have more in common with Ambien than quality dark fantasy, but I have to admit I'm now cautiously optimistic about DA2 (whereas before I really couldn't care less).
[QUOTE="Icarian"][QUOTE="110million"]Alright, alright, as possibly the biggest hater of DA2, the tactical combat looks like it has the right idea going. I'm not fully convinced until I can try it for myself, since sometimes they can show the only tactic in a video, and it looks impressive, but you end up being limited. 110million
Like I have tried to say several times before. We should wait and see how it'll turn out. I trust BioWare because they have never let me down before. Of course, there is always a chance for it to fail, but I like to hope for the best rather than the worst.
Well I am not as in-love with bioware, so I can't share the sentiment, but I will gladly admit to being at least somewhat wrong, its not like I wanted it to look bad, I just wasn't getting a good vibe. Though with the combat looking closer (but not quite correct) to what I was expecting, the graphics and art direction is still pretty awful, hoping its just because they still have quite a bit of dev time, but its only about 3 months away, would expect them to have the graphics in a better state by now. Also tis always the horribly coloured enviornments, I know there will be more enviornments in the actual game, its just leaving a bad taste in my mouth seeing the same bland one in every video. I may like i want to hate this game, but keep this in mind... This video was specifically made to address the concerns about it being dumbed down. Bioware forums were getting flooded with complaints. The developer was talking about it like it's more than it actually is. All he did is use some stun spells and some AOE spells. Why are there only two potions locked in a special position on the left? Where are the other potions. I'm still not convinced, not enough to pre-order. Gonna wait for reviews.... i told you guys that this game will be epic.. it is not dumped down. it is like the first! EPIC!!
oh boy when this comes out i am gonna miss the sun!!!
. I'm still not convinced, not enough to pre-order. Gonna wait for reviews. Espada12Yeah, I've pretty much only said its a step in the right direction, at this rate I'm not sold on buying it. I can hold out a couple more months for The Witcher 2 to get my WRPG fix, and wait for a DA2 ultimate edition and not spend $40 on 2 hours of DLC.
[QUOTE="Espada12"]. I'm still not convinced, not enough to pre-order. Gonna wait for reviews. 110millionYeah, I've pretty much only said its a step in the right direction, at this rate I'm not sold on buying it. I can hold out a couple more months for The Witcher 2 to get my WRPG fix, and wait for a DA2 ultimate edition and not spend $40 on 2 hours of DLC. Two Worlds II :D. I have a feeling I'm gonna love that game, don't have to care much about DA II.
Looks better, I guess. The tactical combat looks much more fun... and fluid.
But damn, the game itself looks ugly. I mean, really. This is three months away? Shouldn't the game basically be content complete and in the polishing stages by now? The graphics/artstyle look terrible. If anything, it's gotten more generic.
[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="Espada12"]. I'm still not convinced, not enough to pre-order. Gonna wait for reviews. GeneralShowzerYeah, I've pretty much only said its a step in the right direction, at this rate I'm not sold on buying it. I can hold out a couple more months for The Witcher 2 to get my WRPG fix, and wait for a DA2 ultimate edition and not spend $40 on 2 hours of DLC. Two Worlds II :D. I have a feeling I'm gonna love that game, don't have to care much about DA II. I've played the European version for a few hours, it is much better than the original to be sure, though combat is pretty meh and ranged attacks are pretty overpowered, there is also pretty awful character faces like so many RPGs, but it seems like it could be the kind of game to get into, I was just mad I was trying to buy a sword but store is randomly generated, whenever I had enough to buy one, it wasn't there, I'd spend like half an hour leaving and coming back when store would randomize again to get it.
Funny. Now we can choose between a button masher and something similar to Dragon Age Origins for consoles. What's the point in adding a strategic combat with huge area effects, no friendly fire and no isometric view on top of a game that was meant to be a hack & slasher?
The point is, they want all those people who bought and liked the strategic old school gameplay to buy it again, but they also want to appeal to Fable/GOW fans. Hope it works out for them...Funny. Now we can choose between a button masher and something similar to Dragon Age Origins for consoles. What's the point in adding a strategic combat with huge area effects, no friendly fire and no isometric view on top of a game that was meant to be a hack & slasher?
That looks bad.
I don't care about the combat system, that's not the problem. The problem, rather, is that Dragon Age was an enormous dungeon slog with basically next to nothing in the way of quality quest content. You were killing things basically all of the time.
The combat could be excellent (it isn't, but I digress), it could quite fun, but when that's literally all the game consists of, the absolute breadth of its content, my stomach turns over.
It was temple after temple, ruin after ruin, corridor after corridor, generic dungeons and giant spiders and orc things, and samey looking root caves and pathways, again and again, until drool began to trickle from the corner of my mouth and my mind collapsed in utter disengagement.
Besides the fact that the vast majority of its content was fundamentally boring, it was also an extraordinarily stupid game, with a weak, generic story and a tiny, poorly imagined, and disinteresting gameworld. Everything about it was laughably bad, especially in comparison to Mass Effect. DA2 looks to be the same, yet somehow worse.
Still, good luck to all you day-one champions out there; your minds may bloody well need it.
That video definitely restored some of my hope in the game. I'm still unsure of the mass effect features they seem to have added into the game.
so it plays like Kotor, what were all you PC shut ins crying about, LOL.AiurProtossKotor isn't like DA2. You stack commands up in Kotor. DA2 is way faster and doesn't rely on dice rolls.
I wonder if the AI abiility configuration will be there. Thats what made dragon arge 1 so fun for me.. Not so much on specific battle gameplay but thinking out a secenario and having my AI partners setup accordingly.. I severely dislike Pause and play as it takes out a fundamental strategic value of a game. Only thing weird here is the camera view which just looks a bit odd. Reminds me more of a MMO in that aspect but it was like that in DA 1 though PC players got to enjoy a more strategic element with the top down perspective.
Now what really will make this game a success or a flop will be the story, if its non linear, and if the game has a more open feel to it.. DA1 definitely did not have that. Way to many small areas, and tight corridors which kinda elimates that feeling of having a group of fighters on your side.. If they can give a more open feel and definitely bigger atmosphere then the game should be ok. Hopefully they will get rid of the LOL oldschool move here.. time delay Final fantasy 1-10 like movement sequences. Nothing better then moving from one area to another on some load screen like dot matrix then ching noise and have to fight enemies. Then after clicking a Tent icon on the map to rest...
Fanboys are a funny sort of people. The SECOND they see any change of any sort (regardless of how tiny it may seem), they do into a rage about how it's horrible. People seriously need to be more optamistic about things, and not start a petition to not buy a game when very little has been presented to them.
Fanboys are a funny sort of people. The SECOND they see any change of any sort (regardless of how tiny it may seem), they do into a rage about how it's horrible. People seriously need to be more optamistic about things, and not start a petition to not buy a game when very little has been presented to them.
I've seen plenty, i.e., the first game.
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