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They all suck compared to Budokai 3 IMO.thefoolagain200
Best DBZ game ever. They need to make a 4th and rap up the whole series in it. The ultimate DBZ game.
PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.fiveftwang
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
They all suck compared to Budokai 3 IMO.thefoolagain200
There have only been two good DBZ games ever made, Budokai 3 is one, Legends is the other (japan only), there are a couple of OK ones, and alot of bad ones. and never EVER play ultimate battle 22, its down there with superman 64 and bigrigs, final bout isnt much better.
[QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.ArisShadows
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Must have been me then cause I hated it. Didn't know what the hell I was doing half the time.
[QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.ArisShadows
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Cant you use the GC controler anyway?
[QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.fiveftwang
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Must have been me then cause I hated it. Didn't know what the hell I was doing half the time.
It might take a bit of time if unfamiliar, but it felt like a knife through warm butter. I had never a single hiccup when trying to pull off things. When I tried to revert to my Gamecube Controller / Classic Controllers.. I just couldn't, it just didn'tfeel as natural.
[QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.fiveftwang
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Must have been me then cause I hated it. Didn't know what the hell I was doing half the time.
I just looked at the moves list for each character. it was pretty cool once you got the hang of it.
[QUOTE="thefoolagain200"]They all suck compared to Budokai 3 IMO.fiveftwang
Best DBZ game ever. They need to make a 4th and rap up the whole series in it. The ultimate DBZ game.
I agree. I was kinda dissapointed when they announced Tenchaichi 3 :([QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.laughingman42
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Cant you use the GC controler anyway?
Yes, its felt worse to play it on buttons.. Felt more complicated..
[QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.fiveftwang
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Must have been me then cause I hated it. Didn't know what the hell I was doing half the time.
Yeah I know what you mean, the first horu an da half was annoying.. But past that the controls are superior and really feel like they are controls you need for a fully 3d game you can fly around in.
[QUOTE="fiveftwang"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="fiveftwang"]PS2, the controls on the Wii sucked.sSubZerOo
No, they don't, they work perfectly fine. I perfer them over the PS2..
Must have been me then cause I hated it. Didn't know what the hell I was doing half the time.
Yeah I know what you mean, the first horu an da half was annoying.. But past that the controls are superior and really feel like they are controls you need for a fully 3d game you can fly around in.
Games like that, it best to play nonstory modes, just matches.. I do that with all games, especially fighters and shooters.
They all suck compared to Budokai 3 IMO.thefoolagain200Yeah it is the best one.
Anyway, I would take the Wii version. Wii controls are better imo, after getting use to it.
Would you be able to pull off the same quick combos with the wii controls? As opposed to punching in buttons on a dualshock or gamecube controller?funnymario
I found the extra moves a bit more differcult on a pad than the extra use oh my hands..
Would you be able to pull off the same quick combos with the wii controls? As opposed to punching in buttons on a dualshock or gamecube controller?funnymario
yeah the wii scheme is pretty solid, but the learning curve is kinda steep, i coudnt teach some of my friends on how to play it, only a couple of them managed to keep up with my speed, but i own the game so i have an natural advantage over them.
also it can get frustating at first when the game dosent always recognize the special moves your tryng to pull, but once you get the hang of it, it will rarely happen.
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