DS is home to truly innovative titles in the gaming world. Games that hardcore gamers and casuals can both enjoy.
I was going to add more information for each game, but it's a rather big list.
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Elite Beat Agents
New Super Mario Brothers
Mario Kart
Brain Age / Brain Age 2
Phoenix Wright Series
Metroid Prime Hunters
Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush: Adventures
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Clubhouse Games
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Dimentium: The Ward
Final Fantasy III
Yoshi's Island DS
Castlevania: PoR, DoS
Advanced Wars: Dual Strike
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario 64 DS
Star Fox Command
Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Sky
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword
Contra 4
I'm sure people are going to complain that a certain game isn't on here, so if you see a good game that isn't here, tell me and I'll add it. Sorry for the gigantic list of images.
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