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i think that Red Foreman gives the best explanation why the game maker got banned form the app store.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
I'm sorry but Sony is the only console maker LOSING money on every console they sell. And MS is more guilty of overcharging, they used older technology in their console and just look at the ridiculous pricing of periferals. If you're gonna bash a company for something at least bash them for something they actually did wrong. All you ended up doing here is making Sony look good.Who would buy a game about popping zits for $400?
Who would buy a game about popping zits for $400?
The same people that would buy any apple product.
I actually like the ipod classic. *feels dirty*
I was really just poking fun, but apple proves that people prefer looks over quality. Which is kinda fail.
What he really should be mad about is that he bought an iPhone. Yeah, I just went there.princeofshapeir
You put my exact thoughts into words.
If you are enough of a suck to buy an iphone I don't see why a $400 game is out of the question.
[spoiler] jk jk... take it easy [/spoiler]
The Man was trying to prove a point and he's the Co-Creator of Super Meat Boy and absolutly HATES Apple and their iStore.
you know what I say?
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
Damn straight they even have the patent for it.
Reminds me of the You Are Rich app that was just a glowing purple screen and cost 1000$. 6 people downloaded it lol so im sure the guy was happy
The same people that would buy any apple product.
I actually like the ipod classic. *feels dirty*
I was really just poking fun, but apple proves that people prefer looks over quality. Which is kinda fail.
only apple products i have are ipod and iphone, i like em for easy usage and internet browsing, i hate the laptops though, and all their other garbage.
This guy (accurately) equates the app store to the handheld Tiger Electronics toys from back in the day. An awful port of an established game product (evidenced by releases in the mega man, street fighter, and metal gear solid series, just to name a few) made for a quick buck. I agree with this dude.
And stop taking cheap shots at the iphone. It's not funny or witty.
This guy (accurately) equates the app store to the handheld Tiger Electronics toys from back in the day. An awful port of an established game product (evidenced by releases in the mega man, street fighter, and metal gear solid series, just to name a few) made for a quick buck. I agree with this dude.
And stop taking cheap shots at the iphone. It's not funny or witty.
amen dude, i finally decided to grab one after countless problems with the ridiculous windows mobile, love it so far.
Few people perusing the App store had any interest in Zits & Giggles in March of 2009. According to Refenes, sales were negligible.
In his rant last week, Refenes explained that, about five months ago, he raised the price to $15. It was an experiment. On the day he raised the price, three people bought the game. He said he raised the price to $50, and four more people bought it. Refenes was inspired and convinced that people who buy games from the App store aren't good at sniffing out good games. He would keep raising the price to see how many more people would buy the game. Fourteen people bought the game at $299 in February, he said.
On Monday, March 15, the day Zits & Giggles was removed from the App store, someone bought the game for $400, he told Kotaku.
Every day I lose more and more faith in humanity. :|
This guy (accurately) equates the app store to the handheld Tiger Electronics toys from back in the day. An awful port of an established game product (evidenced by releases in the mega man, street fighter, and metal gear solid series, just to name a few) made for a quick buck. I agree with this dude.
And stop taking cheap shots at the iphone. It's not funny or witty.
amen dude, i finally decided to grab one after countless problems with the ridiculous windows mobile, love it so far.
You do realize that Google has a mobile OS, right?[QUOTE="cowgriller"]
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
I'm sorry but Sony is the only console maker LOSING money on every console they sell. And MS is more guilty of overcharging, they used older technology in their console and just look at the ridiculous pricing of periferals. If you're gonna bash a company for something at least bash them for something they actually did wrong. All you ended up doing here is making Sony look good.Who would buy a game about popping zits for $400?
well crap then you must be angry about the ps1's were around since1982...that sounds like an older technology, lol come back when you actually know Sony's past...all so come back when they don't charge 40 or so bucks for a chat pad that locks onto the top of the controller *not a very good place* is akward to use, doesn't charge from the controllers charging, and is wireless therefor is its own product.. yet again look at the ps1 and ps2.[QUOTE="SmyttyGuy94"][QUOTE="LazerChachi"]
This guy (accurately) equates the app store to the handheld Tiger Electronics toys from back in the day. An awful port of an established game product (evidenced by releases in the mega man, street fighter, and metal gear solid series, just to name a few) made for a quick buck. I agree with this dude.
And stop taking cheap shots at the iphone. It's not funny or witty.
amen dude, i finally decided to grab one after countless problems with the ridiculous windows mobile, love it so far.
You do realize that Google has a mobile OS, right?Nokia has two mobile OSes :D[QUOTE="cowgriller"]
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
I'm sorry but Sony is the only console maker LOSING money on every console they sell. And MS is more guilty of overcharging, they used older technology in their console and just look at the ridiculous pricing of periferals. If you're gonna bash a company for something at least bash them for something they actually did wrong. All you ended up doing here is making Sony look good.Who would buy a game about popping zits for $400?
like the RSX wasn't old technology? that was pretty much a stripped down 7800GT with the performance of a 7600GS. and by the time the ps3 launched, the 8800GT had already come out weeks before the ps3. let's also not forget the HDD/ethernet kit that sony sold for the ps2 last gen that cost $100 and only worked for 29 games in North America. it came out in march 2004 in NA and was canned in december the same year. the ps2 slim was incompatible with it and sony stopped production of the fat unit. also let's not forget sony removing features and components from the ps3 like SACD compatibility, PS2 emulation (even through software), memory card reader, etc. and still charging a high price for the console only to lower it a few months afterwards. furthermore, all of the DRE problems that plagued the PS, PS2 and PS3 and sony charging as much as $150 to fix.
the reason sony is the only company losing money on consoles this gen is because they were arrogant in thinking that the consumer would buy the ps3 even if it didn't come with any games and even if they'd have to get second jobs in order to buy one. let's not forget how they called all americans cheap.
now i'm not saying MS isn't quilty of over charging, but your trying to pretens that sony has never overcharged/screwed the consumer for their own profit gains. seriously, take Baker's advice and learn about sony's gaming history before commenting.
sorry for the late response. it was 2:30 AM when i wrote my last comment and i needed to go to sleep.
:lol:"On Monday, March 15, the day Zits & Giggles was removed from the App store, someone bought the game for $400, he told Kotaku."
I should be shocked, but that person did already buy an iphone.
:cry: they removed it on my birthday, i was going to get it.... jk but seriously they removed it on my birthdayaka_aj03
it was part of Apple's insidious plan to take over the world and be a dick about it. :twisted:
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
As have Microsoft and Nintendo. ;)Did any of you actually READ the article? It actually has a youtube of his "rant" about the App store which makes TONS of sense...Ive been saying this for months. People keep trying to make like Apple actually has a shot in making the Iphone/Itouch a competant gaming handheld when in fact it will NEVER be compared to the DS/PSP because you cant play certain games with just a touch screen. Certain games like Price is right, or popping pimples, yes, but an RPG? Assasins creed? Street fighter?? Hell no. That was his point, to release a game and see what idiots would buy it regardless of the quality of the game.
I agree 100%.
Only apple is allowed to rant on other products and overcharge for things!
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
As have Microsoft and Nintendo. ;) all businesses have. hell, look at the cable companies here in the US. F--- Time Warer Cable!!! :evil: Goddamn crooks!!!*cough* *cough* oh excuse me. *cough* we did that come from?
it's true MS and nintendo overcharge for products (peripherals in MS's case and the Wii and N64 cartridges in the big N's case), but sony is the one with the balls to assume that anyone (anyone sane that is) would pay for $600 of mediocrity (during 2006-2008). where they under a rock when atari charged $600 for the Jaguar ($1,560 in 2010)?let's not forget EA Gouges or ActiBurglars.
I'm pretty sure all the apps in the app store are labeled with price are they not? So why is he complaining?
I'm pretty sure all the apps in the app store are labeled with price are they not? So why is he complaining?
he's complaining because he got screwed trying to screw people. irony!
As have Microsoft and Nintendo. ;) all businesses have. hell, look at the cable companies here in the US. F--- Time Warer Cable!!! :evil: Goddamn crooks!!![QUOTE="Phazevariance"]
now, now. sony has been doing that longer than apple has.
*cough* *cough* oh excuse me. *cough* we did that come from?
it's true MS and nintendo overcharge for products (peripherals in MS's case and the Wii and N64 cartridges in the big N's case), but sony is the one with the balls to assume that anyone (anyone sane that is) would pay for $600 of mediocrity (during 2006-2008). where they under a rock when atari charged $600 for the Jaguar ($1,560 in 2010)?let's not forget EA Gouges or ActiBurglars.
Apple didnt overprice it was the developer *facepalm*[QUOTE="xX-Incubus-Xx"]
Who would buy a game about popping zits for $400?
The same people that would buy any apple product.
True dat. I can't see anyone paying more then $100 for any game. People who pay more then $1 for a zit game may want to see a shrink. I don't even know how Apple allowed that crap to make it on the App Store. Apple must get a cut of the profits.[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]
I'm pretty sure all the apps in the app store are labeled with price are they not? So why is he complaining?
he's complaining because he got screwed trying to screw people. irony!
He's complaining that the iPhone is not a gaming device while everyone thinks it is. besides the dude hates apple.
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