@MBirdy88 said:
WTF are you smoking? maybe in hardware focused forums maybe.... but that is completely irrelevant to this situation, this is system wars. You cry fowl when hermits brag about graphics, yet eveyr single time a digital foundtry pops up your making this brag threads... even though the difference is alot smaller.... its pathetic mate... no other word around it. Nothing to do with defending.
But make no mistake, I WANTED the Xbox one to be the console of choice.... because it's simply a better piece of kit, with a company that understands an evolving market.... can't have it all ways sadly..... pretend your a good guy (Sony) then do what you said you would never do (Charge for online play) yet talk about DRM free (no more DRM free than xbox) and start at a lower price point with a mindly better GPU (peasants claimed its not about graphics) ... rehash the same franchises (sonyLOL) mostly focused on their graphics.... and watch it sell to the fifa and CoD chavs all over again.... the new xbox360.... only with poorer services.
Just bought a soundbar/subwoofer from Sony... they can't even do instant-paypal transactions properly.... the company is a mess.
No one cry fault you hypocrite hermit wannabe,all fu**ing last gen hermits here make a parade how resolution was important and frames to,as soon as some one compare those on consoles some how is invalid or doesn't matter fact is if Nvidias latest card was doing 4k and AMD latest card was mostly doing 1440p or less in most case that would be a no freaking contest fight is over move alone the king is crowned Nvidia but since it happen on consoles some how Features Shit ass Kinect and cable box make up for the graphics disparity that is what you stated you sad excuse of a hermit as simple as that.
Now there is no DRM on consoles, consoles are more portable cost friendly and hassle free basically compare with PC,as well as it has a huge used game market which is basically non existent on PC,so i guess that make up for the graphics disparity right.?
@Snugenz said:
So in other words you're a liar liar pants on fire.
Only liars are scared to post XBL/PSN/Steam tags on this forum.
No in other words you are a sad loser who want my birth certificate and my police record to admit i have a PC..hahahaa
Stay bitter my friend..hahaha
@supergokublitz said:
I thought tormento had an older graphics card in his system? Cant remember what is was? anyone.
Anyways tormento could always dxdiag with your name infront in a window or on some paper.
After all it takes a half decent pc to run farcry 4 and dying light(which is poorly optimized) at a half decent level worth bothering with.
Hi all, been away working last two weeks.
My current one has an R270 with a FX6350 i even posted my resit here.
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