Peter Dille told Gamasutra today that movie download service for PSP and PS3 will be coming very soon, and that the company is actively working on the service. The comment was framed within a discussion of the PSP's new form factor.
"We didn't have any announcements about that at the show," he began, "but what I can tell you is we're working on it, we see that it's critical, not just for PSP but also for PS3, and it's something we know is super important to get right. We won't have a second chance to make a first impression. If we launch it and it's not right, we're going to get creamed. So we want to make sure we get the consumer experience right, get the right content, and we're working really hard on it. And I don't think we're talking about years, I think this is something we could get behind really soon." n4g
Sounds really interesting, how long will the movies take to download.. how is M$ going to respond ?
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