XBOX 360 and Windows Live
Very possible for announcements regarding cross platform gaming that will definatley shake the floor
Possibly the biggest game of the year, Halo 3 has been rumored to have over 4 million pre-orders at GameStop alone and is finishing a saga that is blobbled with legend. Expect a lot of media at E3 for Halo 3 as it releases September 25th,2007
Bioshock, releasing for both the Xbox 360 and PC, is supposedley an indirect continuation of the ****c title, System Shock 2. A first person shooter with RPG elements that Irrational has made out to be a killer hit.
Mass Effect:
Another huge title set for launch exclusivley on the Xbox 360 by the developer that brought us KOTOR and Jade Empire, hopes are up for this shooter/RPG that also is expected to be shown off at E3 as it releases this fall(hopefully).
Playstation 3:
Playstation Home:
A major(and free) release of this Sims like app for the PS3 that reflects real life and it's activities and expands the user's abilities with achievements and activities such as bowling.
Metal Gear Solid 4:
Continuing the epic saga of Solid Snake and all those in the Metal Gear universe, expect major announcements(such as exclusitivity) and media on this major title at E3.
KillZone 2:
Even though the first one flopped as the "halo killer", Sony fanboys don't care and start hyping the next one as this CGI powerhouse releases and hopes to get an 8 or higher. Expect major announcements this E3.(Just kidding huys but seriously, where did this hpe come from man?!)
Lair surprised many as it's beautiful graphics and immense battles baffled many and has earned it's spot on E3.
DVD Player Wii?
As confirmed earlier but never shown, Nintendo said there would be a Wii with a DVD player built in and the best time to show it would be expected at E3.
Super Mario Galaxy:
This highly anticipated title of the all-mighty Super Mario series looks to awe all at the show as this is Nintendo's flagship title for the Wii.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption:
A series that has lived and thrived for so long continues on the Wii for another epic adventure to find Samus's armor and weapons. Expect further announcements and media at E3.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
ONLINE!!!! PLZZZZ!!!!! Hopefully online is confirmed for SSBB as this title looks to rock the floor with it's extremely fun gameplay.
Price Drops:
PS3: Already 500 at Circuit City and rumored by many, a PS3 100 dollar price drop seems almost definite.
Of course you know 360 will follow right behindSony if a price drop does happen. Elite to 400$, Premium to 300$, and the Core dropped? Maybe, we'll see at E3.
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